The witnesses shall consist of at least the following: A member of the contractor’s Quality Control or inspectionDepartment and one engineer. Quality Control or lnspection personnel need not be present during the actualtesting. However, a facility survey must have been made, and the test samples selected and adequately identifiedWritten approval by the Quality Control or lnspection personnel, making the survey of the facility, shall bepresented prior to any testing. Al witnesses shall be thoroughly experienced in testing practices and the type ofpart to be tested.
Tests shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable specification. Test fixtures and jigsshall be in accordance with the details of the specification. Any changes or modifications of the test fixturesnecessary to meet the specification shall be approved by the contractor prior to the start of the test program.
The testing of a product, manufactured by a licensee, shall be the same as that required of the licensor
Test parts shall be selected at random from a production run, where applicable. lf the parts are new and have notbeen made in production, all materials and details of manufacturing procedures shall be recorded so thatsubsequently manufactured parts are produced accordingly.
Parts shall be adequately identified. Marking of the parts shal be done at the time of selection for testing to assurethat the parts are those originally selected.
When environmental, fatigue, or other extended tests are required, the witnesses should observe the beginning oithe test, monitor it occasionally over the test period and finally be present when the test is concluded so that partscan be inspected and test results accurately evaluated.
in cases where a product is tested and fails to pass, retesting of the product shall not be performed untilsatisfactory evidence is furnished that all the defects responsible for the failure have been corrected.
The data shall be recorded and test reports prepared as follows:
All recording of test data on the Test Summary Sheets shall be witnessed by one or more of the witnessing grouppresent to assure that the data is accurately entered. Test Summary Sheets shall be in accordance withMIL-HDBK-831. Test Summary Sheets shall be approved prior to the testing.
A reproducible copy of the completed Test Summary Sheets shall be supplied by the manufacturer after beingsigned by the manufacturer or laboratory representative, and one or preferably all of the witnesses.
The title page shall include (1) date of report, (2) test report number, (3) NAS Specification or Standard Drawingtitle, number and date, (4) name and address of manufacturer,(5) name and address of testing laboratory, ifdifferent from manufacturer.
An abstract page (single page) which summarizes the results of the test i.e., noting the number of specimens thatpassed or failed and any other pertinent data, shall be included in the test report.
The basic section of the report shall contain a reference to the specific specification paragraph applicable to thetest, the test equipment name and manufacturer, date of calibration, if applicable, and summary of the TestSummary Sheets showing specification requirements.
A general section shall be included which contains the details of the entire program i.e. procedures, set-ups, tests.method of sampling, data tabulation (Test Summary Sheets), notation relative to stoppages, presence of witnessesat the test site, etc
Adequate use shall be made of photographs, sketches or other visual aids to insure there are no information gapsin the report.
A cross reference between manufacturer’s part numbers and NAS part numbers shall be included in the report.
AIA/NAS 1495-2011 pdf download
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