Recent advances in the speed and memory capacity of current computers combined with H- -adaptive finite element
theory permit the development of more realistic finite element gear strength models. The speed and memory
improvements allow for increased numbers of elements and degrees of freedom and the addition of more detailed base
regions underneath the gear teeth of the finite element model. The H -adaptive theory increases the accuracy of the finite
element model by optimizing the size and shape of individual elements within the model. This paper presents results
comparing the predicted fillet strain output of a three -dimensional gear tooth model with recently obtained experimental
strain gage data. Comparisons are made for both spiral bevel and hypoid gears. Preliminary results show excellent
agreement between theory and experiment with peak strain amplitudes agreeing to within ten percent or less. The
inclusion of more accurate base regions underneath the gear teeth correctly predicts the range of strain fom tensile to
compressive values as the gear teth roll through mesh.
AGMA 97FTM5-1997 pdf download
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