Two groups of spur gears mandamred from two different materias and heat treatments were endurance tested for
swhcefatiguelife. One group wasmanufacturedfiom AISI 1552andwas fínished -dto 0.4 pm (16ph) mis d a c e
nnishaud the0 diial fquency ~tourhductionhmhed. The secondgroup wasmanufamredíÌom CEVMAiSI9310
and was cabuxized, hardened, and ground to a0.4 pm (16 ph rms slafrtce finish. The gear pitch diameter was 8.89 cm
(35 in.). Test conditions were amaximum Hertz stressof 1.71 GPa @%ksi), ab& gear tempemm of approximately
350K (170F) anda speedof 10 o00 rpm. The Inbricam &for aie tests was asyuthetic parafnnic oil with an additive
padage. Thetestresulrsshoweüthatthe lOpercentsiafacefaligueati8ue@imng) lifeofthecontourhardenedAISI1552test
gearswas 1.7timesthatofthecaraaized and hardtned AISI 9310 test gears. Also bere were two early failures of îùe
AIS1 1552 gears by bending fatigue.
AGMA 95FTM5-1995 pdf download
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