The optimisation of thekinematicalbehaviour ofspiral bevel gearshas been thefocus of muchattentionover thepast
years. The objectives, aimingto optimizethekinematics ofspiral bevelgears underno load,being zeroor closeto zero
motion error coupled to a parabolic motionerror curvehave been fulfilledby many authors [4,6, 7]. However, these
objectivesbypass themoregeneralcaseofminimizingmotionerroratagiventransmitted load,whichis thedesign goal
in aerospaceapplications wheretransmissionsoperateover extendedperiods at80 to 90% ofavailable power. Krenzer
[6] showed that changing torque significantly modified the shape of the motion error curve, and that minimum motion
error under loadcould be achieved only over shorttorque ranges.
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