This information sheet was prepared by the AGMAPowder Metallurgy Gearing Committee
as an initial response to the need for a design evaluation procedure for powder metallurgy
(P/M) gears. The committee anticipates that, after appropriate modification and
confirmation based on application experience, thisprocedurewill becomepartofastandard
gear rating method for P/M gears. As such, it will serve the same function for P/M gears as
the rating procedure in ANSI/AGMA 2001 –C95 for wrought metal gears. Toward this end,
the design evaluation procedure described here closely follows ANSI/AGMA 2001 –C95,
with changes made for the special properties ofP/M materials, gear proportions, and types
of applications. These design considerations have made it possible to introduce some
simplifications in comparison to the above mentioned standard.
The first draft of AGMA 930–A05 was made in June 1 996. It was approved by the AGMA
Technical Division Executive Committee in January 2005.
AGMA 929-A06-2006 pdf download
PS:Thank you for your support!