The paper initially defines bias error (“the twisted tooth phoneme”). Using illustrations we explain that bias
error is a by product ofapplying conventional radial crowning methods to produced crowned leads on helical
gears. The methods considered are gears that are finished, shaped, shaved, form and generated ground.
The paper explains why bias error occurs in these methods. It then addresses what techniques are used to
limit/eliminate bias error. Some times there may be a possibility to apply two methods to eliminate bias error.
In thosecasesthepros/consofthesemethodswill bereviewed. Profileand lead inspection chartswill beused
to detail bias error and the ability to eliminate it.
The paper details the simultaneous interpolation of multiple axes in the gear manufacturing machine to
achieve the elimination of bias error. It also explains that the CNC machine software can be used to predict
bias error. Equally important that it could be used to create an “engineered bias correction” to increase the
load carrying capacity of an existing gear set.
AGMA 08FTM19-2008 pdf download
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