EN 993-17-1998 pdf download.Methods of test for dense shaped refractoty products — Pail 17: Determiniation of bulk density of granular materials by the mercury method with vacuum. 2 Normative references This European Standard incorporates by dated or...
EN 993-15-2005 pdf download
EN 993-15-2005 pdf download.Methods of test for dense shaped refractory products -Determination of thermal conductivity by the hot-wire (parallel) method. A thermocouple is fitted at a specified distance from the hot wire; the thermocouple leads running parallel...
EN 846-5-2012 pdf download
EN 846-5-2012 pdf download.Methods of test for ancillary components for masonry - Part 5:Determination of tensile and compressive load capacity and load displacement characteristics of wall ties (couplet test). 5.4 A test machine capable of applying the...
EN 846-14-2012 pdf download
EN 846-14-2012 pdf download.Methods of test for ancillary components for masonry - Part 14:Determination of the initial shear strength between the prefabricated part of a composite lintel and the masonry above it. 6.1 Apparatus capable of measuring...
EN 846-6-2012 pdf download
EN 846-6-2012 pdf download.Methods of test for ancillary components for masonry - Part 6:Determination of tensile and compressive load capacity and load displacement characteristics of wall ties (single end test). NOTE Clamping fadures wiH invalidate the deformation...