EN 352-7-2020 pdf download.Hearing protectors - Safety requirements-Part 7 : Level -dependent earplugs. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes...
BS/EN 352-8-2020 pdf download.Hearing protectors - Safety requirements Part 8 : Entertainment audio earmuffs. This document is applicable to entertainment audio earmuffs. It specifies requirements on construction, design, performance, marking and user information relating to the inclusion...
BS/EN 352-4-2020 pdf download.Hearing protectors - Safety requirements Part 4 : Level-dependent earmuffs. This BS/EN 352-4 is applicable to level-dependent earmuffs. It specifies requirements on construction, design, performance, marking and user information related to the inclusion of...
BS/EN 352-5-2002 pdf download.Hearing protectors Safety requirements and testing Part 5 : Active noise reduction ear-muffs. This BS/EN 352-5 is concerned with active noise reduction (ANR) ear-muffs. It specifies additional constructional, design and performance requirements, methods of...
EN 13819-2-2020 pdf download.Hearing protectors - Testing - Part 2 : Acoustic test methods. 4.1 Insertion loss (earmuffs only) 4.1.1 Principle The insertion loss of each cup of the earmuffs is measured at specified one-third-octave band centre...