EN 54-22-2015 pdf download.Fire detection and fire alarm systems-Part 22 : Resettable line type heat detectors. Test procedure for non-Integrating linear RLTHD Mounting of the sensing element For measurement of the sensitivity of the non-integrating...
EN 54-12-2015 pdf download
EN 54-12-2015 pdf download.Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 12: Smoke detectors- Line detectors using an optical beam. manufacturer intends to declare the respective performances unless the standard gives provisions for declaring them without performing...
EN 54-5-2017 pdf download
EN 54-5-2017 pdf download.Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 5 : Heat detectors - Point heat detectors. 6.2.1 General All performances related to characteristics included in this standard shall be determined when the manufacturer intends...
AS 7240.27:2018 pdf download
AS 7240.27:2018 pdf download.Fire detection and fire alarm systems Part 27: Point type fire detectors using a smoke sensor in combination with a carbon monoxide sensor and, optionally, one or more heat sensors (ISO 7240-27:2018, MOD). 4...
BS EN 54-1:2021 pdf download
BS EN 54-1:2021 pdf download.Fire detection and fire alarm systems Part 1: Introduction. This document defines the terms and definitions that are used throughout the EN 54 series of standards. It gives the principles on which each...