ISO 8601-1:2019,Date and time — Representations for information interchange — Part 1: Basic rules. You can download ISO 8601-1:219 PDF from this website for free. We should thank someone called Mary, who I think Shared the document...
ISO 8601-2:2019,Date and time — Representations for information interchange — Part 2: Extensions. ISO 8601-2:2019 PDF is free to download here. Special thanks to a netizen named Johnson. My only hope is that the documents Shared on...
BS 5839-6:2019,Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings—Part6:Code of practice for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of fire detection and fire alarm systems in domestic premises. BS 5839-6:19 pdf free download. Thank you very much...
ISO/IEC17788:2014,Information technology — Cloud computing — Overview and vocabulary. A netizen named Peter Shared this standard ISO/IEC 17788:2014 with me.I thank him on behalf of all the netizens of this website. ISO/IEC 17788:2014 PDF is free to...
BS EN ISO 13485-2016,Medical Devices—Quality Management Systems—Requirements For Regulatory Purposes (British Standard) BS EN ISO13485-2016 PDF can be downloaded free of charge on this website.BS EN ISO13485-2016 replaces BS EN ISO 13485-2012. This International Standard is based...
ISO 9001:2015,Quality management systems—Requirements ISO 9001:2015 PDF is completely free to download.Thanks very much for Lucy's generous sharing.Part of the document is described as follows: The adoption of a quality management system is a strategic decision for...
BS EN ISO 22117:2019,Microbiology of the food chain---Specific requirements and guidance for proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison. BS EN ISO 22116:2019 pdf is completely free to download. If you find this document helpful, I hope you can...
BS EN 12764:2015+A1:2018,Sanitary appliances---Specification for whirlpool baths. Thank a netizen named Tom very much for sharing this document with us. This document BS EN 12764:2015+A1:2018 pdf is free to download. Here are some of my picks. For...
BS EN 81-71:2018,Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Particular applications to passenger lifts and goods passenger lifts - Part71:Vandal resistant lifts. BS EN 81-71:2018 PDF is free to download here. This document is...
ASTM D2658-18,Standard Test Method for Determining Dimensions of Fiberboard Boxes. ASTM d2658-18 PDF is available as a free download, and I guess there are many people who need this document for their studies and work, including myself....