I finished my work just now.At this moment,I'm going to share with you an ASTM standard I just collected, named ASTM g24-13. This standard PDF can be downloaded for free. I hope you can help publicize this...
First of all, I want to say if you have some standards, you can share them with me, so that this website can help more people in need. Well,now i will share BS ISO 21885:2019.The title of...
Hi,I am John.At this moment,i will continue to share BS ISO 35104:2018,and its title is Petroleum and natural gas industries — Arctic operations — Ice management.This document comes from a guy who shared it with me. BS...
IEEE 1267-2019,IEEE Guide for Development of Specifications for Turnkey Substation Projects. This guide is issued to aid users in developing and preparing specifications for turnkey substation projectsits; its intent is advisory. The guide covers parameters to be...
IEC/TS 60871-3:2015,Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000 V - Part 3: Protection of shunt capacitors and shunt capacitor banks. IEC/TS 60871-3:2015, which is a technical specification, gives guidance on the protection...
ASTM F2438-04(2017),Standard Specification for Oil Spill Response Boom Connection: Slide Connector. This standard can be downloaded for free. Thank Tony from the United States for sharing it. ASTM F2438-04(2017) covers design criteria requirements, design geometry, material characteristics,...
ASTM F2267-04(2018),Standard Test Method for Measuring Load Induced Subsidence of Intervertebral Body Fusion Device Under Static Axial Compression. ASTM F2267-04(2018) specifies the materials and methods for the axial compressive subsidence testing of non-biologic intervertebral body fusion devices,...
ASTM F2193-18a,Standard Specifications and Test Methods for Components Used in the Surgical Fixation of the Spinal Skeletal System. ASTM F2193-18a are intended to provide a comprehensive reference for the components of systems used in the surgical fixation...
ASTM F2096-11,Standard Test Method for Detecting Gross Leaks in Packaging by Internal Pressurization. This morning, the webmaster shared with you ASTM F2096-11. Some netizens also talked about this standard in the email. But I'm not sure if...
I want to emphasize that ASTM F3114-15 has been replaced by ASTM F3114-19. 1.ASTM F3114-15,whose title is Standard Specification for Structures. 2.ASTM F3114-15 addresses the structural requirements that apply to all portions of the airframe regardless of...