IEC/TS 60871-2:2014,Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1000V -Part 2: Endurance testing. 1 Scope This part of lEC 60871, which is a technical specification, applies to capacitors according to IEC 60871-1 and...
Hello,my friends,i am John.Now i will share ASTM F2352-14,Standard Specification for Design and Performance of Light Sport Gyroplane Aircraft. ASTM F2352-14 covers the manufacture of gyroplanes. This specification includes design and performance requirements for light sport gyroplane...
Hi,I am John,today i will share ASTM F2531-13,Standard Test Method for Load Capacity of Treestand Seats. ASTM F2531-13 covers the determination of the static load capacity of treestand seats in terms of a factor of safety relative...
ASTM F2634-07,Standard Test Method for Laboratory Testing of Polyethylene (PE) Butt Fusion Joints using Tensile-Impact Method. This is a tensile impact test method that develops enough tensile impact energy at specific rates of strain to rupture standard...
ASTM F2640-18,Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Booster Seats. ASTM F2640-18 covers the performance requirements and methods of test to ensure the satisfactory performance of the booster seat. This consumer safety specification addresses incidents associated with booster seats...
ASTM F2910-14,Standard Specification for Design and Construction of a Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS). ASTM F2910-14 defines the design, construction, and test requirements for a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS). This standard is written for all sUAS...
ASTM F3172-15,Standard Guide for Design Verification Device Size and Sample Size Selection for Endovascular Devices. ASTM F3172-15 provides guidance for selecting an appropriate device size(s) and determining an appropriate sample size(s) (that is, number of samples) for...
What I'm sharing right now is ASTM F3208-17,Standard Guide for Selecting Test Soils for Validation of Cleaning Methods for Reusable Medical Devices.Thank Coco from Australia for her generous sharing. ASTM F3208-17 describes methods for selecting test soils...
Now,i will share a standard called ASTM F3249-17,Standard Specification for Treestands, Climbing Sticks, and Tripod or Tower Stands. ASTM F3249-17 covers requirements for treestands, climbing sticks, and tripod/tower stands that are used for hunting, photographing, or general...
ASTM G21-15 pdf can be downloaded here.The title of the standard is Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi. ASTM G21-15 covers determination of the effect of fungi on the properties of synthetic...