BS 4486:1980 pdf free download. Specification for hot rolled and hot rolled and processed high tensile alloy steel bars for the prestressing of concrete. BS 4486:1980 specifies requirements for preferred sizes of smooth or deformed alloy stee...
BS 4500:2009 pdf download
BS 4500:2009 pdf free download.Limits and fits. Guidance for system of cone (taper) fits and tolerances for cones from C = 1:3 to 1:500, lengths from 6 mm to 630 mm and diameters up to 500 mm....
BS 4504-3.3:1989 pdf download
BS 4504-3.3:1989 pdf free download.Circular flanges for pipes, valves and fittings (PN designated). Specification for copper alloy and composite flanges. 1 Scope This Section of BS 4504 specifies requirements for PN designated circular copper alloy and composlte...
BS ISO 13276:2020 download
BS ISO 13276-2020 pdf free download.Tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of nicotine purity - Gravimetric method using tungstosilicic acid. BS ISO 13276-2020 specifies a method for the gravimetric determination of the purity of nicotine using tungstosilicic...
CSA Z5300:19 pdf download
CSA Z5300:19 pdf free download.Cellulose filaments (CF) - Preparing handsheets for physical tests.The size is 25.3M. 0.1 Cellulose filaments, microfibrils, and nanofibrils The need to develop high-value applications of wood pulp fibres has prompted significant efforts by...
ANSI Z21.54:19/CSA 8.4:19 pdf download
ANSI Z21.54:19/CSA 8.4:19 pdf free download.Gas Hose Connectors for Portable Outdoor Gas-Fired Appliances. ANSI Z21.54:19/CSA 8.4:19 applies to gas hose connectors (See Clause 3 Definitions), hereinafter referred to as connectors. They are conduits for conveying gas and...
CSA A93:19 pdf download
CSA A93:19 pdf free download.Airflow ventilators for the unoccupied spaces of buildings.The size of this file is 6.07M. CSA A93:19 is intended to be referenced by regulatory authorities, airflow ventilator manufacturers and installers, building designers, and certification...
ISO 23291:2020 pdf download
ISO 23291:2020 pdf free download. Milk and milk products — Guidelines for the application of in-line and on-line infrared spectrometry. This document gives guidelines for using infrared spectrometry in in-line and on-line applications for dairy processing. These...
ISO 9803-2:2020 pdf download
ISO 9803-2:2020 pdf free download.Vacuum technology — Mounting dimensions of pipeline fittings — Part 2: Knife-edge flange type. ISO 9803-2:2020 specifies mounting dimensions for vacuum pipeline fittings (elbows, tees and crosses) of knife-edge flanges for nominal bores...
UL 252:2017 pdf download
These requirements cover regulators used to reduce the pressure of compressed industrial gases from a source or storage cylinder pressure of not more than 5500 psig (37.91 MPa) to the use pressure. Regulators covered by these requirements...