ASTM D7192-19 pdf free download.Standard Test Method for High Speed Puncture Properties of Plastic Films Using Load and Displacement Sensors. ASTM D7192-19 covers the determination of puncture properties of plastic films, over a range of test velocities....
ISO/TR 15801:2017 download
ISO/TR 15801:2017 pdf free download.Document management — Electronically stored information — Recommendations for trustworthiness and reliability. ISO/TR 15801:2017 describes the implementation and operation of information management systems that store and make available for use electronically stored information...
ASTM D6880/D6880M-19 pdf download
ASTM D6880/D6880M-19 pdf free download.Standard Specification for Wood Boxes.This pdf file is shared by Kevin from Australia. ASTM D6880/D6880M-19 covers the fabrication of wood boxes. These wood boxes, when constructed, filled and closed, shall be used for...
ASTM D6503-19 pdf download
ASTM D6503-19 pdf free download.Standard Test Method for Enterococci in Water Using Enterolert. ASTM D6503-19 covers a simple procedure for the detection of enterococci in water and wastewater. It is based on IDEXX’s patented Defined Substrate Technology...
ASTM D5425-18 pdf download
This is shared by Tina from Canada.ASTM D5425-18 pdf free download.Standard Guide for Development of Fire Hazard Assessment Standards of Electrotechnical Products. ASTM D5425-18 provides guidance on the development of fire hazard assessment standards for electrotechnical products....
ASTM D1165-18 pdf download
This was shared by a net friend from America.ASTM D1165-18 pdf free download.Standard Nomenclature of Commercial Hardwoods and Softwoods. Commercial species group names are listed with common tree and botanical names. Commercial names are representative of commercial...
ASTM A691/A691M-18 pdf download
ASTM A691/A691M-18 pdf free download. Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe, Electric-Fusion-Welded for High-Pressure Service at High Temperatures. ASTM A691/A691M-18 covers carbon and alloy steel pipe, electric-fusion-welded with filler metal added, fabricated from pressure-vessel-quality plate...
ISO 7291:2010 pdf download
ISO 7291:2010 pdf free download.Gas welding equipment — Pressure regulators for manifold systems used in welding, cutting and allied processes up to 30 MPa (300 bar). ISO 7291:2010 specifies requirements and test methods for pressure regulators in...
ISO 11839:2010 download
ISO 11839:2010 pdf free download.Machinery for forestry — Glazing and panel materials used in operator enclosures for protection against thrown sawteeth — Test method and performance criteria. Forestry machines that use circular saws with replaceable sawteeth can...
BS ISO 4107:2010 pdf download
BS ISO 4107:2010 pdf free download.Commercial vehicles - Wheelhub attachment dimensions. BS ISO 4107:2010 was developed in response to requests to establish uniform wheel-hub interface dimensions used on vehicles with flat attachment-style wheel mountings. There are other...