EN 13473-2-2001 pdf download EN Standards

EN 13473-2-2001 pdf download

EN 13473-2-2001 pdf download.Reinforcement - Specifications for multi-axial multi-ply fabrics - Part 2: Methods of test and general requirements. This Part 2 of EN 13473 defines the test methods to be used to determine the designated and...
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EN 13473-1-2001 pdf download EN Standards

EN 13473-1-2001 pdf download

EN 13473-1-2001 pdf download.Reinforcement - Specifications for multi-axial multi-ply fabrics- Part 1 : Designation. This part 1 of EN 13473 establishes a method of designation for multi-axial multi-ply fabrics that shall be used for specifications for the...
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EN 13463-1-2001 pdf download EN Standards

EN 13463-1-2001 pdf download

EN 13463-1-2001 pdf download.Non-electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres Part 1: Basic method and req itirements. 4.3 Specific explosive atmospheres The equipment may be tested for a specific eAplosive atmosphere. In this case it shH be marked...
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EN 13417-1-2001 pdf download EN Standards

EN 13417-1-2001 pdf download

EN 13417-1-2001 pdf download.Reinforcement-Specifications for woven fabrics - Part 1 Designation. 1.1 This Part 1 of EN 13417 establishes a method of designation for woven fabrics which may be used as a basis for specifications of fabrics...
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EN 13213-2001 pdf download EN Standards

EN 13213-2001 pdf download

EN 13213-2001 pdf download.Hollow floors. Drill a hole of diameter 6 mm in the centre of the indentor position into the load-bearing layer. Insert the measurement stick through the hole down to the rigid surface. Place a...
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EN 13147-2001 pdf download EN Standards

EN 13147-2001 pdf download

EN 13147-2001 pdf download.Copper and copper alloys - Determination of residual stresses in the border area of slit strip. This EN 13147 specifies a method for the determination of residual stresses in the areas adjacent to the...
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EN 13073-2001 pdf download EN Standards

EN 13073-2001 pdf download

EN 13073-2001 pdf download.Footwear - Test methods for whole shoe Water resistance. This EN 13073 specifies a test method for the determination of the water resistance of footwear, irrespective of the material. 2 Normative references This European...
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EN 13030-2001 pdf download EN Standards

EN 13030-2001 pdf download

EN 13030-2001 pdf download.Ventilation for buildings - Terminals - Performance testing of louvres subjected to simulated rain. NOTE Flow meters can be calibrated in sdu by means of pitot static tube traverse techniques described in ISO 3966....
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EN 13018-2001 pdf download EN Standards

EN 13018-2001 pdf download

EN 13018-2001 pdf download.Non-destructive testing-Visual testing - General principles. 4.1 An instruction shall be written which includes the minimum testing requirements in accordance with 4.4. 4.2 When required (e.g. product standard. contract) a written procedure shall be...
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BS/EN 10307-2001 pdf download BS Standards

BS/EN 10307-2001 pdf download

BS/EN 10307-2001 pdf download.Non-destructive testing Ultrasonic testing of austenitic and austenitic—ferritic stainless steels flat products of thickness equal to or greater than 6 mm (reflection method). 8.3 Calibration blocks Calibration blocks shall conform to the requirements detailed...
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