EN 1523-1998 pdf download EN Standards

EN 1523-1998 pdf download

EN 1523-1998 pdf download.Windows , doors , shutters and blinds Bullet resistance - Test method. 4 Apparatus 4.1 Test specimen support The test specimen support shall be rigid enough not to deflect tinder the cITed of impacts...
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EN 1094-2-1998 pdf download EN Standards

EN 1094-2-1998 pdf download

EN 1094-2-1998 pdf download.Insulating refractory products Part 2 : Classification of shaped products. This EN 1094-2 specifies a dassifiration of shaped insulating refractoty products, 1 a..sed on the detemunation of permanent change in dinwnsions on lwating, with...
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EN 947-1998 pdf download EN Standards

EN 947-1998 pdf download

EN 947-1998 pdf download.Hinged or pivoted doons-Determination of the resistance to verticall load. This EN 947 applies to all veatwally lunged or pivoted (100n4. The standani sjweifies the method to be used to cleternune the permanent (kfonuation...
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EN 1169-1999 pdf download EN Standards

EN 1169-1999 pdf download

EN 1169-1999 pdf download.Precast concrete products General niles for factory production control of glass-fibre reinforced cement. 2 Normative references This European Slaiwlant incorporates by dated or iuidated reference, i))VLs10nS from other piibbdions. These nornudive references are rued...
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EN 1164-1998 pdf download EN Standards

EN 1164-1998 pdf download

EN 1164-1998 pdf download.Feather and down - Test methods - Determination of the turbidity of an aqueous extract. This European Slandard incogxiraks by 1aied or Im(Iatcd reference, provisions from other l)tll)1)CatiOfls. Thcse nonnahive references are cited at...
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EN 1015-9-1999 pdf download EN Standards

EN 1015-9-1999 pdf download

EN 1015-9-1999 pdf download.Methods of test for mortar for masoniy — Part 9 Determination of workable life and cornction time of fresh mortar. 2 Normathe references Ei) The following referenced (locuments are indisiwiisable for the applical ion...
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EN 1015-1-1998 pdf download EN Standards

EN 1015-1-1998 pdf download

EN 1015-1-1998 pdf download.Methods of test for mortar for masonry Part 1: Determination of particle size distribution (by sieve analysis). This EN 1015-1 specifies Iwo niethocLs of detenmning the paiticle size distribution of dry mixed or non-hardened...
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EN 957-7-1998 pdf download EN Standards

EN 957-7-1998 pdf download

EN 957-7-1998 pdf download.Stationaxy training equipment. —Part 7: Rowing machines, additional specific safety requirements and test methods. This part of EN 957 qwelfies safety requirements for WWlfl niactitnes in a(khtion to the genenil safety requirefl)ents of EN...
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EN 950-1999 pdf download EN Standards

EN 950-1999 pdf download

EN 950-1999 pdf download.Door leaves Determination of the resistance to hard body impact. This EN 950 applies to all door leavei The standard specifies the method to be used to detenuine the damage caused to a door...
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EN 1933-1998 pdf download EN Standards

EN 1933-1998 pdf download

EN 1933-1998 pdf download.Exterior blinds - Resistance to load due to water accumulation Test method. 2 Normative references This Itiropeaii Standanl ineolporates by dated or undated references, provision_s from other iniblleations. These mwniative references are (lied at...
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