EN 1592-1-1997 pdf download EN Standards

EN 1592-1-1997 pdf download

EN 1592-1-1997 pdf download.Aluminium and aluminium alloys HF seam welded tubes Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and deliveiy. More than one solution-treatment lot can be induded in a furnace load. N(YrE. For the heat treatment in...
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EN 1272-1998 pdf download EN Standards

EN 1272-1998 pdf download

EN 1272-1998 pdf download.Child care articles - Table mounted chains - Safety requirements and test methods. usrea nerealler. r or aaiei relerences, suosequeni anwndnwnls to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard...
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EN 933-5-1998 pdf download EN Standards

EN 933-5-1998 pdf download

EN 933-5-1998 pdf download.Tests for gornetrical properties of aggregates Part 5: Determination of percentage of crushed and broken surfaces in coarse aggregate particles. This European Standard specifics a method for the determination of the percentage of particles...
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EN 1999-1-2-2007 pdf download EN Standards

EN 1999-1-2-2007 pdf download

EN 1999-1-2-2007 pdf download.Eurocode 9-Design of aluminium structures-Part 1-2 :Structural fire design. 4.2.1 General (1)P The load-beanng function of an aluminium structure or structural member shall be assumed to be maintained after a time fin a given...
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EN 1015-10-1999 pdf download EN Standards

EN 1015-10-1999 pdf download

EN 1015-10-1999 pdf download.Methods of test for mortar for masonry — Part 10: Detenuination of dry bulk density of hardened mortar. This EN 1015-10 specifies a niethod for (letenunung the thy bulk density of hardened mortars. It...
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EN 952-1999 pdf download EN Standards

EN 952-1999 pdf download

EN 952-1999 pdf download.Door leaves - General and local flatness - Measurement method. Tins EN 952 can be applied to all rectangular door leaves. The standard specifies the method to be used to measure the deviations in...
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EN 951-1998 pdf download EN Standards

EN 951-1998 pdf download

EN 951-1998 pdf download.Door leaves - Method for measurement of height , width , thickness and squareness. This EN 951 applies to all rectangular door leaves and the measurable parameters of doors of other shapes. This standard...
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EN 948-1999 pdf download EN Standards

EN 948-1999 pdf download

EN 948-1999 pdf download.Hinged or pivoted doons-Determination of the resistance to static torsion. Tins EN 948 applies to all vertically hinged or pIvotc(l (kX)I’S. The stan(bnl specifies the method to be used to (lelerntme the permanent deformation...
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EN 12529-1998 pdf download EN Standards

EN 12529-1998 pdf download

EN 12529-1998 pdf download.Castors and wheels - Castors for fumiture Castors for swivel chairs-Requirements. This EN 12529 specifies the technical requirements, the appropñate dimensions and the requtnfl1efltS for testing. This European Standard applies to eastors with or...
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EN 1559-6-1998 pdf download EN Standards

EN 1559-6-1998 pdf download

EN 1559-6-1998 pdf download.Founding Technical conditions of deliveiy Pait 6: Additional requirements for zinc alloy castings. This part of EN 1559 applies to ctlngs ma(le from Zinc alh)ys Pfl)dt1(’d by sand casting, permanent 100111(1 castuig, j)rL5SW (lie...
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