EN 349-1993 pdf download.Safety of machinery-Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body. The object of this EN 349 is to enable the user (e.g. standard makers, designers of machinery) to avoid hazards from...
EN 10079-1992 pdf download.Definition of steel products. 5.3 Electrical steels8 Electrical steels are characterised by their magnetic properties and are intended for the manufacture of electrical circuits. They are supplied in the form of cold rolled sheet...
AS 1289.3.9.1:2015 pdf download.Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Method 3.9.1: Soil classification tests-Determination of the cone liquid limit of a soil. 4 PROCEDURE The procedure shall be as follows: (a) Obtain a test portion, prepared...
AS ISO 18935:2019 pdf download.Imaging materials— Colour images—Determination of water resistance of printed colour images. 5 Water resistance estimating procedures 5.1 General considerations Water resistance is the ability of a print to resist water damage which may...
EN 10034-1993 pdf download.Structural steel I and H sections and dimension olerances on shape . This EN 10034 specifies tolerances on shape dimensions and mass of structural steel I and H sections. These requirements do not apply...
AS 1774.11:2015 pdf download.Refractories and refractory materials- Physical test methods Method 11: Determination of thermal expansion. 4 Contact method with cylindrical test piece 4.1 Principle The amount of dimensional change of the cylinder test piece is continuously...
EN 2832-1993 pdf download.Aerospace series-Hydrogen embrittlement of steels Notched specimen test. This EN 2832 specifies the method for the notched specimen test, which is used to assess the hydrogen embrittlement of steels during chemical or electrolytic surface...
AS 2397:2015 pdf download.Safe use of lasers in the building and construction industry. 3.1 CLASS I LASERS Class I lasers, by virtue of the emission limitations placed upon them in AS/NZS IEC 60825.1, are considered safe under...
EN 2831-1993 pdf download.Aerospace series-Hydrogen embrittlement of steels -Test by slow bending. This EN 2831 specifies the test method by slow bending, which is used to assess the hydrogen embrittlement of steels during chemical or electrolytic surface...
AS NZS 2243.4:2018 pdf download.Safety in laboratories Part 4: lonizing radiations. 3.1 GENERAL This Section provides requirements and guidance for the design of the following: (a) Radiation laboratories—in which ionizing radiation from ionizing radiation apparatus or sealed...