EN 283-1991 pdf download.Swap bodies-Testing. In the case of swap bodies of identical construction (series production) it is acceptable for a single unit to undergo all the following tests, provided that the inspecting authority required to give...
EN 266-1991 pdf download.Wallcoverings in roll form - Specification for textile wallcoverings. 3 Definitions The definitions given in EN 235:1989 apply. 4 Dimensions 4.1 General The area of the roll is not standardized but shall be declared;...
EN 202-1991 pdf download.Ceramic tiles - Determination of frost resistance. This EN 202 defines a method of test for evaluating the frost resistance of all ceramic tile, intended for use in condition: of frost In the presence...
EN 131-2-1993 pdf download.Ladders-Requirements , testing , marking. temperature resistance have to he taken into account. Glass-fibre reinforced plastics shall be protected against penetration of water and dirt. The surface shall be smooth. The fibres shall be...
EN 103-1991 pdf download.Ceramic tiles - Determination of 1inear thermal expansion . This EN 103 defines a method of test for determining the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of aM ceramic tiles, 2. Principle The coefficient of...
BS/EN 50641-2020 pdf download.Railway applications — Fixed installations — Requirements for the validation of simulation tools used for the design of electric traction power supply systems. document are only intended for use in the design of the...
BS/EN 50305-2020 pdf download.Railway applications — Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance — Test methods. 6.7 DC stability A test specimen of minimum length of 5 m of cable shall be immersed in distilled water...
BS/EN 17109-2020 pdf download.Mountaineering equipment — Individual safety systems for rope courses — Safety requirements and test methods. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred Lu in the text in such a way that some or...
BS/EN 13629-2020 pdf download.Wood flooring-Solid individual and pre-assembled hardwood boards. 4.3.4 Free class The free class covers any species which may be used for wood flooring and for which Brinell hardness has a minimum mean value of...
BS/EN 13373-2020 pdf download.Natural stone test methods _ Determination of geometric characteristics on units. This BS/EN 13373 describes methods for verifying the geometric characteristics of products of natural stone such as rough blocks, rough slabs, finished products...