BS EN 15934-2012 pdf download.Sludge, treated biowaste, soil and waste Calculation of dry matter fraction after determination of dry residue or water content. NOTE 2 The material ol the evaporatmg dish or crucible should be compatible with...
BS EN 14626-2012 pdf download.Ambient air Standard method for the measurement of the concentration of carbon monoxide by non-dispersive infrared spectroscopy. This standard describes the method for measurement of the concentration of carbon monoxide in ambient air...
BS EN 419211-6-2014 pdf download.Protection profiles for secure signature creation device Part 6: Extension for device with key import and trusted channel to signature creation application. The rationale for T.Hack_Phys, T.SCD_Divulg. TSCD_Derive, T.Sig_Forgery, T.SVD_Forgery. P.CSP_Qcert. P.Qsign. P.Sigy_SSCD....
BS EN 61310-1-2008 pdf download.Safety of machinery Indication, marking and actuation Part 1: Requirements for visual, acoustic and tactile signals. — actuators shall be capable of being used safely, and shall be clearly identified with appropriate markings...
BS EN 50482-2008 pdf download.INstrument transformers Three-phase inductive voltage transformers having Um up to 52 kV. Unless otherwise specified below the temperature rise of a voltage transformer at the specified voltage, at the rated frequency and at...
BS EN 15593-2008 pdf download.Packaging Management of hygiene in the production of packaging for foodstuffs Requirements. 5.2.1 Control measures and procedures defined in the hazard analysis and the risk assessment process shall be regularly reviewed, verified and...
BS EN 15586-2008 pdf download.Textiles - Methods of testing the fibre proof properties of fabrics Rubbing test. This BS EN 15586- describes a method for the determination of the fibre-proof properties of a fabric using a rubbing...
BS EN 15425-2008 pdf download.Adhesives — One component polyurethane for load bearing timber structures — Classification and performance requirements. This BS EN 15425 establishes a classification for one component polyurethane adhesives according to their suitability for use...
BS EN 15287-2-2008 pdf download.Chimneys Design, installation and commissioning of chimneys Part 2: Chimneys for roomsealed appliances. 4.3.4 Chimney system sizing and characteristics for roomsealed applications The flue duct, the connecting flue pipe, the air supply duct...
BS EN 15163-2008 pdf download.Machines and installations for the exploitation and processing of natural stone — Safety — Requirements for diamond wire saws. Transmission parts Moving parts, e.g. couplings and drive shafts, shall be provided with...