ASME B107.22M:1998 pdf download ELECTRONII: CUTTERS 4.6 Joint 4.6.1 Construction. There shall be no excessive sideways movement, play, or other indication of loose- ness of the two halves of the cutters when opened or closed that will...
ASME B107.23M:1997 pdf download PLIERS, MULTIPLE POSITION, ADJUSTABLE 1 SCOPE This Standard is intended to cover the general dimen-sional and functional characteristics of adjustable jointand slip joint pliers. Inclusion of dimensional and functional data in thisStandard is...
ASME B107.28M:1997 pdf download ELECTRONIC TORQUE INSTRUMENTS 1 SCOPE This Standard is intended to cover the general, dimensional, and functional characteristics for manually oper.ated electronic torque instruments used for controlof the tigitness of threaded fasteners. It also...
ASME B107.29M:1998 pdf download ELECTRONIC TESTER, HAND TORQUE TOOLS . 4 DEFINITIONS accuracy: the difference between a known appliedtorquc and thc torquc displayed on the electronic indicator mcasurcd in pcrccntagc of thc known applied torquc.first peak. the...
ASME B107.34M:1997 pdf download SOCKET WRENCHES FOR SPARK PLUGS 4 REQUIREMENTS 4.1 lllustrations The iliustrations herein are descriptive and not restric-tive,and are not intended to preclude the manufactureof sockets that are otherwise in accordance with thisStandard. 4.2...
ASME B107.35M:1997 pdf download NUT DRIVERS (SPIN TYPE SCREWDRIVER GRIP) (METRIC SERIES) 4 REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Illustrations The illustrations shown herein are descriptive and not restrictive, and are not intended to preclude the manufacture of nut drivers which...
ASME B107.41M:1997 pdf download NAL HAMMERS- SAFETY REQUREMENTS 1 GENERAL 1.1 Scope This Standard provides safety requirements for thedesign, construction, testing. and use of nail hammersthat are intended specificaliy for use in driving orpulling common (unhardened) nails...
ASME B107.46M:1998 pdf download STUD, SCREW, AND . PIPE EXTRACTORS: SAFETY REOUREMENTS 1 GENERAL 1.1 Scope This Standard provides safety requirements for thedesign, construction, testing, and use of handheld screwand pipe extractors that are intended specifically forremoving...
ASME B107.48M:1998 pdf download METAL PUNCHES AND DRIFT PINS: SAFETY REOUREMENTS 1GENERAL 1.1 Scope This Standard provides safety requirements for thedesign, construction,testing, and use of hand held andhandled metal punches and drift pins that are intendedspecifica!!y for...
ASME B107.50M:1998 pdf download BRICK CHISELS AND BRICK 8ETS: SAFETY REOUREMENTS 1 GENERAL 1.1 Scope This Standard provides safety requirements for thedesign, construction testing, and use of brick chiselsand brick sets that are intended specifically for use...