KS C 7604:2003 pdf download.고압수은램프.The English title is High pressure mercury vapour lamps. The language of this document is Korean. If you don't understand Korean, you can use translation software to translate. KS C 7604:2003 pdf download...
KS C 3005:2003 pdf download.적용범위이규격은전기절연의목적에사용되는콤파운드의시험방법에대하여규정한다.The English title is Testing method of electrical insulating compounds.Here is the screenshot of the standard,and i will give you the part of the introduction.The language of this document is Korean.If you think...
KS D 3717:2003 pdf download.실리코망가니즈.The English title is Silicomanaganese.Here is part of the introduction of this standard.The language of this document is Korean. If you don't understand it, you can translate it through some software. KS D...
KS F 2203:2004 pdf download.목재의수축률시험방법.The English title is Method of shrinkage test for wood. This is a Korean standard. The language of this document is Korean. If you don't understand this language, you can use translation software...
KS D 0062:2004 pdf download.아크용접에서의총흡및 원소별흡발생량평가방법.The English title is The method for measuring total and elemental fume generation rate on arc welding process. Here is a screenshot of the cover of this Korean standard. Is this the...
KS F 2211:2004 pdf download.The English title is Method of impact bending test for wood.목재의충격휩시험방법.Now you can download the file for more information.Hope it is what you need. KS F 2211:2004 pdf download 1.적용범위이규격은목재의충격힘시험방법에대하여규정하며,이시험방법에규정한것이외에는 F2201에따른다. 2.인용규격다음에나타내는규격은이규격에인용됨으로써이규격의규정일부를구성한다.이러한인용 규격은그최신판을적용한다....
KS F 2295:2004 pdf download.창호의 결로방지성능 시험방법.The English title is Test method of dew condensation for windows and doors. Here is a screenshot of the standard document I prepared for you. I hope it will help you....
KS F 4005:2004 pdf download.The English title is Concrete curb-gutters and reinforced concrete curb-gutters. This belongs to Korean standard. I have uploaded a screenshot to you. I hope this is the standard you are looking for. 1.적용범위이규격은주로노면배수용측구로사용되는콘크리트및철근콘크리트L형(이하L형이...