IEEE 1502-2007 pdf download IEEE Standards

IEEE 1502-2007 pdf download

IEEE 1502-2007 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Radar Cross-Section Test Procedures The ensuing period marked the beginnings of two measurement trends: the rapid development of newapproaches to making measurements, and the desire to make measurements of...
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IEEE 1234-2007 pdf download IEEE Standards

IEEE 1234-2007 pdf download

IEEE 1234-2007 pdf download IEEE Guide for Fault-Locating Techniques on Shielded Power Cable Systems 1.Overview 1.1 General This guide has been developed as a guide for cable fault-locating techniques on shielded power cablesystems. It is intended to...
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IEEE 1189-2007 pdf download IEEE Standards

IEEE 1189-2007 pdf download

IEEE 1189-2007 pdf download IEEE Guide for Selection of Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Batteries for Stationary Applications 1.1 Scope This guide describes methods for selecting the appropriate type of valve-regulated, immobilized.electrolyte, recombinant lead-acid battery for any of a...
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IEE 1115a-2007 pdf download IEEE Standards

IEE 1115a-2007 pdf download

IEE 1115a-2007 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Nickel-Cadmium Batteries for Stationary Applications Amendment 1: Additional Discussion on Sizing Margins Insert the following subclause heading (with existing text from 6.2.2, changed where noted): General t...
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IEEE 1013-2007 pdf download IEEE Standards

IEEE 1013-2007 pdf download

IEEE 1013-2007 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for Stand-Alone Photovoltaic (PV) Systems 1.Overview This recommended practice provides a systematic approach for determining the appropriate energycapacity of a lead-acid batery to satisfy the energy...
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IEEE 937-2007 pdf download IEEE Standards

IEEE 937-2007 pdf download

IEEE 937-2007 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation and Maintenance of Lead-Acid Batteries for Photovoltaic (PV) Systems 1.1 Scope This recommended practice provides design considerations and procedures for storage, location, mountingventilation. assembly. and maintenance of lead-acid...
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IEEE 802.16K-2007 pdf download IEEE Standards

IEEE 802.16K-2007 pdf download

IEEE 802.16K-2007 pdf download IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges Amendment 5: Bridging of IEEE 802.16 6. Support of the MAC Service 6.5 Support of the Internal Sublayer Service by...
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IEEE 495-2006 pdf download IEEE Standards

IEEE 495-2006 pdf download

IEEE 495-2006 pdf download IEEE Guide for Testing Faulted Circuit Indicators 1.Overview Faulted circuit indicators (FCIs) used by the electric utility industry are applied to overhead andunderground power distribution circuits. This guide describes the general test requirements...
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IEEE 421.1-2007 pdf download IEEE Standards

IEEE 421.1-2007 pdf download

IEEE 421.1-2007 pdf download IEEE Standard Definitions for Excitation Systems for Synchronous Machines 3.8 automaticvoltageregulator(AVR: A term often used to desgnate either the voltage regulator alone or the complete control systemcomprised oflimiters, etc. See also: synchronous machine...
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IEEE 400.1-2007 pdf download IEEE Standards

IEEE 400.1-2007 pdf download

IEEE 400.1-2007 pdf download IEEE Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above with High Direct Current Voltage 1. Overview This guide provides adescription ofthe methods and practices to...
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