BS ISO 20078-3:2019 pdf free download.Road vehicles — Extended vehicle (ExVe) web services — Part 3: Security. BS ISO 20078-3:2019 defines how to authenticate users and Accessing Parties on a web services interface. It also defines how...
BS EN ISO 2376:2019 pdf download
BS EN ISO 2376:2019 pdf free download.Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys — Determination of breakdown voltage and withstand voltage. BS EN ISO 2376:2019 specifies test methods for the determination of the breakdown voltage and withstand voltage...
BS ISO 6721-6:2019 pdf download
BS ISO 6721-6:2019 pdf free download.Plastics - Determination of dynamic mechanical properties - Part 6: Shear vibration - Non-resonance method. ISO 6721-6:2019 describes a forced, non-resonance method for determining the components of the shear complex modulus G*...
BS ISO 20942:2019 pdf download
BS ISO 20942:2019 pdf free download.Leather — Full chrome upper leather — Specification and test methods. BS ISO 20942:2019 specifies requirements, methods of test and methods of sampling for full chrome upper leather. This document is applicable...
BS ISO 11003-1:2019 pdf download
BS ISO 11003-1:2019 pdf free download.Adhesives — Determination of shear behaviour of structural adhesives — Part 1: Torsion test method using butt-bonded hollow cylinders. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 11003-1:2001), which has...
BS EN 2414:2019 pdf download
BS EN 2414:2019 pdf free download.Aerospace series - Washers, chamfered, with counterbore, in alloy steel, cadmium plated. BS EN 2414:2019 specifies the characteristics of chamfered washers, with counterbore, in alloy steel, cadmium plated, for maximum operating temperature...
BS ISO 10035:1991 download
BS ISO/IEC 10035:1991 pdf free download.Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Connectionless ACSE protocol specification. BS ISO/IEC 10035:1991 is one of a set of International standards produced to facilitate the interconnection of information processing systems. It...
BS IEC 60489-2:1991 download
BS IEC 60489-2:1991 pdf free download.Methods or measurement for radio equipment used in the mobile services - Part 2: Transmitters employing A3E, F3E or G3E emissions. 1. Scope This standard refers specifically to mobile radio transmitters having...
BS EN ISO 4611:2010 pdf download
BS EN ISO 4611:2010 pdf free download.Plastics - Determination of the effects of exposure to damp heat, water spray and salt mist. Various test methods are available for the exposure of plastics to different aggressive agents acting...
BS EN ISO 7759:2010 pdf download
BS EN ISO 7759:2010 pdf download,Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys. Measurement of reflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using a goniophotometer or an abridged goniophotometer. Introduction The visual appearance of metallic finishes is important commercially on metals...