AS NZS 61184:2015 pdf download.Bayonet lampholders (IEC 61184, Ed. 3.1 (2011) MOD). 4.4 If no lampholder fails in the complete series of tests specified in 4.3, then lampholders of that type shall be deemed to comply with...
AS NZS 2891.7:2015 pdf download.Methods of sampling and testing asphalt Method 7.1: Determination of maximum density of asphalt - Water displacement method. 5 MATERIALS The following materials are required: (a) Potable water. (b) Optional detergent solution with...
AS NZS 4869.4:2015 pdf download.Maritime survivor locating systems (MSLS) Part 4: Maritime low power personal locating devices employing Automatic ldentification System (AIS). General requirements Construction The manufacturer shall provide evidence that all requirements in clause 4 are...
AS 4773.2:2015 pdf download.Masonry in small buildings Part 2: Construction. 3.1 MORTAR TYPES Mortar types shall be as specified in the documents but their durability shall be not less than the requirements given in Table 3.1 and...
AS 5144.5:2015 pdf free download.Industrial trucks——Safety requirements and verification Part 5: Pedestrian-propelled trucks. 4 Safety requirements and/or protective measures 4.1 General Trucks shall comply with the safety requirements and/or protective measures of this clause. In addition, the...
AS 4773.1:2015 pdf download.Masonry in small buildings Part 1: Design. SECTION 2 DESIGN CRITERIA 2.1 SCOPE OF SECTION This Section sets out general design criteria for masonry. Particular requirements for structural design are set out in Sections...
AS ISO 12232:2019 pdf download.Photography—Digital still cameras—Determination of exposure index,ISO speed ratings, standard output sensitivity, and recommended exposure index. 5 Test conditions 5.1 General The following measurement conditions should be used as nominal conditions when determining the...
AS NZS 62841.2.9:2015 pdf download.Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery——Safety Part 2.9: Particular requirements for hand-held tappers and threaders. 8 Marking and instructions This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows:...
AS NZS IEC 60947.5.8:2015 pdf download.Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 5.8: Control circuit devices and switching elements——Three-position enabling switches. 3 Classification 3.1 Contact elements Subclause 3.1 of IEC 60947-5-1 applies. 3.2 Three-position enabling switch Three-position enabling switches...
AS NZS 62841.2.5:2015 pdf download.Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery- Safety Part 2.5: Particular requirements for hand-held circular saws. 19 Mechanical hazards This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows: 19.1...