API PUBL 9100B:1998 pdf download.Guidance Document for Model EHS Management System A series of steps taken to ensure that stated objectives are achieved. Typical steps or elements of an EHS management system are shown in Table 1....
API PUBL 9100A:1998 pdf download
API PUBL 9100A:1998 pdf download.Model Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) Management System An environmental, health and safety (EHS) management system is a process that applies a quality systems approach to managing EHS activities. This approach uses a...
API PUBL 7103:1997 pdf download
API PUBL 7103:1997 pdf download.Management and <Disposal Alternatives for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM).Wastes in Oil Production and Gas Plant Equipment Natural radioactivity occurring at trace concentrations in undergmund formations and in oil and gas production streams...
API PUBL 7102:1997 pdf download
API PUBL 7102:1997 pdf download.Methods for Measuring Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in Petroleum Production Equipment Low concentrations of naturally-occurring radioactive materials tSOR-\.I) are sometimes carried from geologic formations into oil-Geld equipment as dissolved components of produced...
API PUBL 4653:1997 pdf download
API PUBL 4653:1997 pdf download.Fugitive Emission Factors for Crude Oil and Product Pipeline Facilities Emission factors were calculated for components at light crude oil, heavy crude oil, and product pipeline facilities using the 1995 Evironmental Protection Agency...
API Publ 2207:1998 pdf download
API Publ 2207:1998 pdf download.Preparing Tank Bottoms for Hot Work This publication outlines safety precautions for preventing accidental Þres and explosions when hot work is performed on tank bottoms. The term hot work, as used in this...
API PUBL 2026:1998 pdf download
API PUBL 2026:1998 pdf download.Safe Access/Egress Involving Floating Roofs of Storage Tanks in Petroleum Service 3 Definition of Terms Terms that are used in this publication are defined in 3.1 through 3.17. 3.1 air-supplied respiratory protection: A...
API Publ 2026:1998(R2006) pdf download
API Publ 2026:1998(R2006) pdf download.Safe Access/Egress Involving Floating Roofs of Storage Tanks in Petroleum Service 3 Definition of Terms Terms that are used in this publication are defined in 3.1 through 3.17. 3.1 air-supplied respiratory protection: A...
API Publ 2021A:1998 pdf download
API Publ 2021A:1998 pdf download.Interim Study—Prevention and Suppression of Fires in Large Aboveground Atmospheric Storage Tanks 1.1 SCOPE AND PURPOSE This publication was prepared by the Large Aboveground Tank Fire Resource Team of the American Petroleum Institute....
API PUBL 937:1996 pdf download
API PUBL 937:1996 pdf download.Evaluation of Design Criteria for Storage Tanks With Frangible Roof Joints 2.0 Background Information 2.1 Description of Typical Tank Design (Note: Drawings used in the following description come from more than one source,...