If the different rating methods usually used for designing worm gears (, a ) consider their limited life because of TEETH BREA-KAGE and CONTACT PRESSURES, experience shows that in most cases, it is the SURFACE DEGRADATIONS OF...
AGMA 88FTM13-1988 pdf download
This paper is concerned primarily with the development of a gear noise test facility which is currently being used to study the fundamental sources of gear noise excitation through the testing of carefully controlled pairs of gears....
AGMA 12FTM22-2012 pdf download
While eddy current technology has long been used in the testing of bar, tube, and wire stock, advances in electronics, automation, and coil design have paved the way for a new generation of testers specifically designed for...
AGMA 11FTM22-2011 pdf download
Gearbox efficiency is a topic of rising interest amongst both OEM and end-users due to an increased sensitivity to gearbox performance, reliability, total cost of ownership (energy cost), overall impact on the environment, and also anticipating future...
AGMA 6114-A06-2006 pdf download
Consensus is established when, in the judgment ofthe ANSI Board ofStandards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreementmeans much more than asimple majority, butnotnecessarilyuna- nimity. Consensus requires that all views...
AGMA 2116-A05-2005 pdf download
Between 1994 and 1998, AGMA published three standards on calibration of gear measuringinstruments:ANSI/AGMA2010--A94,MeasuringInstrumentCalibration–PartI, Involute Measurement, ANSI/AGMA 2113--A97, Measuring Instrument Calibration, Gear Tooth Alignment Measurement, and ANSI/AGMA 2114--A98, Measuring Instrument Calibration, Gear Pitch and Runout Measurements. These standards...
AGMA 2101-D04-2004 pdf download
Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantialagreementmeansmuchmore thana simplemajority, butnot necessarilyuna- nimity. Consensus requires that all views and...
AGMA 912-A04-2004 pdf download
This informationsheetdescribes many ofthe ways inwhichgear teethcanfailandrecommends methodsfor reducing gear failures. It provides basic guidance for those attempting to analyze gear failures. It should be used in conjunction with ANSI/AGMA 1010--E95 in which the gear tooth failure...
AGMA 06FTM16-2006 pdf download
A test for the verification of involute gear software has been developed at the Physikalisch--Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). The paper show the critical influence on the measurement uncertainty of uncertified involute evaluation software. Beside the test parameter information...
AGMA 9112-A04-2005 pdf download
Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreementmeans much more than asimple majority, butnotnecessarilyuna- nimity. Consensus requires that...