AGMA Standard 11 0.01 was first published in October 1 943 as means to document the appearance of gear teeth when they wear or fail. The study of gear tooth wear and failure has been hampered by...
This Information Sheet covers current gear design practices as they are applied to airvehicles and spacecraft. The material included goes beyond the design of gear meshes and presents the broad spectrum of factors which combine to produce...
The committee, responding to the widely recognized need for improving the technical communication between molded plastic gear purchasers and producers, developed this specification information sheet. The primary objective of this information sheet is to increase understanding by...
This editorialmanualdescribestheSIsystemofunits to be used in AGMA standards. Where necessary,specialized metric dimensions, tolerances and units are used which are specifically suited to the gear industry and may not be part of the referenced documents.
The regulations governing committee activities, preparation of standards, organization of theTechnicalDivisionandthereviewandapprovalprocessaredetailedintheAGMAPolicy and Practice Guides. Committee chairmen, committee members, and others concerned with standards preparation and review are urged to become familiar with the appropriate Policy and Practice...
1.1 Applicability. This Standard Practice is applicable to enclosed speed reducers wherein the gear tooth designs include helical and herringbone gearing This Standard is intended primarily for beam type pumping units. 1.2 Limitations. The rating methods and...
The information contained in the foreword and appendices, if any, is provided for informational purposes only and is not to be considered as part of AGMA 299.01, Sound Manual. Concern with industrial noise created a need for...
This paper discusses background studies needed for the prediction of sliding resistance on gear teeth. Various elastohydrodynamic and mixed lubrication theories for coefficient of traction are examined. These theories are evaluated with respect to experimental results from...
In this paper, a combination of loaded tests, coordinate measurements, surface reverse engineering and a special finite element method is employed to study the effect of break-in wear on meshing contact between the mating surfaces of worm...
High speed epicyclic gearboxes used in gas turbogenerators are typically designed with either carburized and hardened or nitrided gears. Each of these types of gear has its own merits and limitations. While carburized and hardened gears offer...