EN 17293-2020 pdf download

07-22-2021 comment

EN 17293-2020 pdf download.Temporary works equipment-Execution – Requirements for manufacturing.
EN 10204, Metallic products — Types of inspection documents
EN 10217 (series), Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes — Technical delive,y conditions
EN 10305 (series), Steel tubes for precision applications — Technical deliveiy conditions
EN 12810-1, Façade scaffolds made of prefabricated components — Part 1: Products specifications EN 12811-1, Tern pora,y works equipment— Part I: Scaffolds — Performance requirements and general design
EN 12811-2, Temporary works equipment — Part 2: Information on materials
EN 12811-4, Temporary works equipment — Part 4: Protection fans for scaffolds — Performance requirements and product design
EN 12812, Falsework — Performance requirements and general design
EN 12813, Temporary works equipment — Load bearing towers of prefabricated components — Particular methods of structural design
EN 14399 (series), High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading EN 15048 (series), Non preloaded structural bolting assemblies
EN 15088, Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Structural products for construction works — Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
EN 16031. Adjustable telescopic aluminium props — Product specifications, design and assessment by calculation and tests
EN 16508, Temporary works equipment — Encapsulation constructions — Performance requirements and general design
EN ISO 3834-3, Quality requirements forfusion welding of metallic materials — Part 3: Standard quality requirements (ISO 3834-3)
EN ISO 3834-4, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials — Part 4: Elementary quality requirements (ISO 38344)
EN ISO 14731, Welding coordination- Tasks and responsibilities (ISO 14731:2019)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— I EC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.orIobp/ui
welding production batch size
quantity of components which are manufactured using identical welding parameters
fully mechanised welding
welding in which all main operations (excluding the handling of the work piece) are performed automatically
Note ito entry: Manual adjustment of welding variables during welding is possible.
[SOURCE: ISO/TR 2590 1:2007, 2.1591
automatic welding
welding In which all operations are performed automatically
Note ito entry: Manual adjustment of welding variables during welding is not possible.
[SOURCE: ISO/TR 25901:2007, 2.211
all activities required to produce a component
Example: procurement, preparation and assembly, welding, mechanical fastening, surface treatment, inspection and documentation
optical check
continuous automatic inspection for example with a camera
4 General
Steel, aluminium and timber components for temporary works equipment are usually designed according to Eurocodes.
Therefore, when applicable, the standards for execution of steel and aluminium components EN 1090-2, EN 1090-3 and for execution of timber components EN 1995-1-1 shall be applied, except where the special conditions for manufacturing temporary works equipment demand modifications according to this document.
Subcontractors shall also fulill all of the requirements of this document.
For cold formed profiled sheets from steel or aluminium which are typically used for structures of roof, ceiling and wall applications and designed according to EN 1993-1-3 or EN 1999-1-4, the requirements to execution and manufacturing of EN 1090-4 respectively EN 1090-5 apply.
Unless otherwise specified in this document, for the execution and manufacturing of other cold formed structural steel elements EN 1090-2 applies.
NOTE A cold formed structural steel element is a member (linear profiled cross section) produced by cold forming (for definitions see EN 1090-4:20 18, 1).
5 Manufacturer documentation
5.1 Quality documentation
EN 1090-2:2018.4.2.1 and EN 1090-3:2019, 4.2.1 are replaced by:
The following points shall be documented, and are also applicable for the manufacturing of timber components:
a) organization chart and managerial staff responsible for each aspect of the manufacturing;
b) the procedures, methods, work and inspection instructions to be applied;
c) a procedure for handling changes and modifications;
d) a procedure for handling of nonconformities, requests for concessions and quality disputes;
e) the manufacturing drawings;
1) the specifications of purchased raw materials and components.
5.5 Identification and traceability
As an alternative to EN 1090-2:2018, 6.2 and EN 1090-3:2019, 6.2 identification may be achieved by batching or by the shape and the size of the component or by the use of durable and distinguishing marks applied in a way not producing damage. lithe identification by batching is carried out, the batches shall be traceable.
6 Materials
Materials shall fulfil the requirements given in European standards where design data are provided. If European standards do not exist, ISO standards may be applied. Additional requirements for some materials are given in EN 12811-2.
When materials are used whose design data are not provided in European or ISO standards, an adequate assessment shall be undertaken.
NOTE 1 For steel products, EN 1090-2:2018, subclause 5.1 gives requirement for an adequate assessment. NOTE 2 National requirements can give information.
For the manufacturing of components from steel and aluminium of temporary works equipment, materials according to the standards EN 1090-2. EN 1090-3, EN 1090-4, EN 1090-5 or according to the standards EN 10217 (series), EN 10305 (series) and EN 10111 may be used. For steel products, the inspection documents according to EN 10204 shall be as listed in Table 1.EN 17293-2020 pdf download.

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