EN 266-1991 pdf download

07-21-2021 comment

EN 266-1991 pdf download.Wallcoverings in roll form – Specification for textile wallcoverings.
3 Definitions
The definitions given in EN 235:1989 apply.
4 Dimensions
4.1 General
The area of the roll is not standardized but shall be declared; the permitted deviation from the declared value shall be not more than ± 3 %.
The nominal width, or the useable width for untrimmed walicoverings, and the nominal length shall be declared; the permitted deviation from the declared values shall be not more than ± 1,5 %.
4.2 Method of measuring dimensions
Dimensions shall be measured in accordance
with Annex B.
5 Adhesion of attached yarns
For a wailcovering with warp- or weft-laid yarns to comply with this standard it shall possess good adhesion of the attached yarns.
Accordingly the wailcovering, when tested in accordance with Annex C for adhesion of yarns, shall exhibit no visible removal of, or damage to, yarns attached to its front surface.
6 Cleanability
There are no specific requirements for the spongeability or washability of a textile wailcovering.
If such attributes are claimed the wailcoverings shall be tested in accordance with the relevant methods specified in EN 23:3:1989 and marked as indicated therein.
7 Colour fastness to light
7.1 Two grades of colour fastness to light of walicoverings to this standard are recognized:
— satisfactory: numerical rating not less than 4;
— very good: numerical rating not less than 6.
7.2 The numerical rating for colour fastness to light shall be determined in accordance with Annex D of EN 233:1989. A wailcovering to this standard shall not have a rating of less than 4.
7.3 The symbols to be used for indicating the grade of colour fastness to light are given in Table 1, serials 3.2 and 3.4.
8 Matching, application, removal and miscellaneous symbols
8.1 The symbols to be used for indicating pattern
matching are given in Table 1, serials 4.1 to 4.4.
8.2 The symbols to be used for indicating the means
of application are given in Table 1, serials 5.1 to 5.3.
8.3 The symbols to be used for indicating the method
of removal are given in Table 1, serials 6.1 to 6.3.
8.4 The symbol to be used for indicating the
desirability of overlapping joins and double cutting
is given in Table 1. serial 7.1.
9 Marking
9.1 Visible markings
When compliance with this standard is claimed, the roll, outer wrapper or a separate label inside the wrapper of a roll of wailcovering shall state the special characteristics of the walicovering in such a way that the following information is readily visible to the purchaser without removing any outer wrapper from an individual roll.
a) The number of this European Standard,
i.e. EN 266’.
b) Name or identification mark of manufacturer.
supplier, or distributor.
c) Product description, i.e. “Textile walicovering” with the composition of textile fibres given as a percentage of the total textile contents, and, where appropriate, ternis from EN 235:1989.
d) Identification of the product, i.e. pattern number, batch number.
e) The width, length and area of the roll.
f) The grade of colour fastness to light.
i.e. whether satisfactory or very good, using the appropriate symbol from category 3 of Table 1.
g) The means of application, using the appropriate symbol(s) from category 5 of Table 1.
h) The need to reverse alternate lengths, if this is an essential requirement for satisfactory appearance, using the symbol 4.4 from category 4 of Table 1.
j) Type of adhesive to be used.
9.2 Additional markings
If necessary, the following information shall be given on the roll, on a label or on an information sheet enclosed with the roll.
k) Weight of the wailcovering, in g/m2.
m) The direction for hanging and any additional hanging instructions, e.g. overlap and double cut, using the symbol 7.1 from category 7 of Table 1.
n) Design repeat. and match, using the appropriate symbol from category 4 of Table 1.
p) Instructions for cleaning, stain removal or restoration (see also clause 6).
q) Method of removal, using the appropriate symbol from category 6 of Table 1.
9.3 Marking of fire behaviour
If any claim is made concerning fire behaviour, then the testing procedure used to determine this, and the classification achieved, shall be given.EN 266-1991 pdf download.

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