EN 50075-1990 pdf download

07-20-2021 comment

EN 50075-1990 pdf download.Flat non-wirable two-pole plugs, 2,5 A 250 V, with cord, for the connection of class Il-equipment for household and similar purposes.
9.5 Plugs shall be provided with soldered, welded, crimped or equally effective permanent connections; screwed or snap-on connections shall not be used.
Connections made by crimping a presoldered flexible conductor are not permitted, unless the soldered area is outside the crimping area. Compliance is checked by inspection.
9.6 Plugs shall be shaped in such a way and made of such a material that they can easily be withdrawn by hand from a socket-outlet.
In addition, the gripping surfaces shall be so designed that the plug can be withdrawn without having to pull the cord.
Compliance is checked by inspecting whether the plug has either:
— a usable length for gripping of at least 55 mm in axial direction, or
— such indent(s) that a ball with a diameter of (12 ± 0,1) mm can penetrate radially into the body at least 2 mm from two opposite directions or at least 4 mm from one direction.
In case of non-compliance with the above requirements, a gripping Lest shall be performed.
The gripping test is under consideration.
10 Resistance to humidity
Plugs shall be proof against humidity which may occur in normal use.
Compliance is checked by the humidity treatment
described below, followed immediately by the measurement of the insulation resistance and by the electric strength test specified in clause 11.
The humidity treatment is carried out in a humidity cabinet containing air with a relative humidity maintained between 91 % and 95 %. The temperature of the air, where plugs are placed, is maintained within ± 1 °C of any convenient value K between 20 °C and 30 °C. Before being placed in the humidity cabinet, the plugs are brought to a temperature between K and £ + 4 °C.
The plugs are kept in the cabinet for 48 h.
In most cases the plugs may be brought to the specified temperature by keeping them at. this temperature for at least 4 h before the humidity treatment.
A relative humidity between 91 % and 95 ‘ can be obtained by placing in the humidity cabinet a saturated solution of a sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) or potassium nitrate (KNO3) in water having a sufficiently large contact surface with the air. In order to achieve the specified conditions within the cabinet, it is necessary to ensure contact circulation of the air within and, in general, to use a cabinet which is thermally insulated.
After this treatment the plugs shall show no damage within the meaning of this standard.
11 Insulation resistance and electric strength
The insulation resistance and the electric strength of plugs shall be adequate.
Compliance is checked by the following tests, which are made immediately after the test of clause 10, in the humidity cabinet or in the room in which the plugs are brought to the prescribed temperature.
11.1 The insulation resistance is measured using a d.c. voltage of approximately 500 V, the measurement being made (601)5 after application of the voltage.
The insulation resistance shall be not less than 5Mi.
The insulation resistance is measured consecutively between:
— the pins connected together and the body;
— each pin in turn and the other, the latter being connected to the body.
The term “body” means a metal foil in contact with the outer surface of the plug, other than the engagement face and the insulating sleeves.
While wrapping the metal foil round the outer surface, it is pressed against holes or grooves without any appreciable force by means of the straight unjointed test finger, having the same dimensions as the standard test finger shown in figure 3.
11.2 A voltage of substantially sine-wave form, having a frequency of 50 Hz, is applied for 1 mm between the parts indicated in 11.1 The test voltage shall be 2000 V.
Initially, not more than 1000 V is applied, then it is raised rapidly to the full 2000 V.
No flashover or breakdown shall occur during the test.
The high-voltage transformer used for the test shall be so designed that, when the output terminals are short-circuited after the output voltage has been adjusted to the appropriate test voltage, the output current is at. least 200 mA..
The overcurrent relay shall not trip when the output current is less than 100 mA.
Care is taken that the r.m.s. value of the test voltage applied is measured within ± 3 %.
Glow discharges without drop in voltage are neglected.EN 50075-1990 pdf download.

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