EN 988-1997 pdf download

07-17-2021 comment

EN 988-1997 pdf download.Zinc and Zinc alloys Specifications for rolled flat products for building.
4.4 Other requirements
The surface shall be smooth, free from blisters, cracks, deep stnations other than usual rolling marks. Any Surface marks shall not affect aziy kind of normal mechanical processing.
NOTE. Slighi discoloration, white rust, grease or oiling spots are acceptable since they fade when weathering patina fonus, without affecting nwchanical or physical properties of the produel
Special decorative re(Iuirements such as preweathere(l or organic coated surfaces shall be specified at the time of order and agreed between the purchaser and (1W su)plw’r.
5 Dimensions and tolerances
5.1 Thickness
The maximum deviation from the ordered nominal thickness, when measured at least 30 mm from the edge of the strip or sheet shall not exceed ± 0,03 nun.
NOTE. Sheet and strip are normally SUp1Wd in the following preferred nominal thicknesses: 0,64) mm; 0,6F, mm; 0,70 mm; 0,80 mm; 1,00 mm.
5.2 Width
The maximum deviation from the ordered nominal width shall not exceed +2 rum
NOTE. Minizmmt nominal width Is 100 nun, and maximum 1000 nuu.
5.3 Length
The maximum deviation from the ordered nominal length of sheet or cut length shall not exceed + nun.
NOTE. Preferred lengths are 20(H) mm and 3000 mm.
5.4 Lateral curvature
Deviation from straightzwss, dimension d in figure 1, shall not exceed 1,5 nun/rn when teste(l in accordance with 6.4.2.
5.5 Flatness
Deviation from flatness, (lifliensiOli d in figures 2 to 5, shall not exceed 2 nun when tested in accordance with 6.4.3.
6 Sampling and test methods
6.1 Sampling
6.1.1 Test units
For the determination of the chemical composition, the test unit shall consist of one melt of the alloy in the furnace.
For the determination of the mechanical or shape charactnstics, the test tiiiit shall consist of one coil rolled to fmal thickness per melt.
6.1.2 Test samples
For the (letenlunation of the chemical composition, one test sample shall be taken (luring the casting of the melt.
For (lie (leternuh)ation of the mechanical or shape characteristics of coil or slit coil., one test sample shall be taken at the beginning or end of one of the producLs, with the sample length not exceeding 2 m. For sheet or cut length, the selection of the sample shall be left. to the discretion of the inspector canying out the tests.
6.1.3 Test pieces
For the (leternrnlatioll of the chenucal COflhlX)SltlOfl, the test piece shall Lw prepared in accor(lance with prEN 12019.
For the determination of the shape characteristics, the test Piece shall be the test sample.
For the (leteflhliflatiOfl of the mechanical characteristics, the test piece shall be taken at a distance of at least 50 mm from the edge of the test sample.
6.2 Test method for chemical composition ‘The test for chemical COflIIX)Sitiofl shall be CWT1Cd out in accordance with prEN 12019.
6.3 Test methods for mechanical properties
6.3.1 General
All tests for mechanical prol)ertws shall be carried out at (20±2)C.
6.3.2 TensIle testing
Tensile testing shall be carried out in accordance with EN 10002-1, using a test piece taken parallel to the rolling direction.
The shape of the test piece shall be in accordance with test piece type 1 given in A.2.1 of EN 10002-1: 1990.
6.3.3 Creep test
Creep test shall be carried 0(11 on a device exerting a constant load to the test piece as defined in 6.3.2. A constant stress of (50 ± 1) NJmm2 shall be applied for (60 ± 1) miii to the test piece. The percentage permanent elongation shall be measured after removal of the load.
6.3.4 Bend test
Bend test shall be earned oil, in accordance with ISO 7438: 1985 on tensile testing eqtupmdnt according to EN 10002—1, With the following further requirenw’nts:
The length of the test Piece shall be (50 ± 1) mm, taken perpendicular to the rolling direction. Its width shall be (25 ± 1) mm. 11w fold shall be parallel to the rolling direction.
Pre-bending of the test piece shall be carried out with a bending device with two suJ)p()rts aiid a marnirel, according to 4.1 of ISo 7438: 1985.
Final bending of the test piece shall be carried out in accordance with 6.3 to 6.5 of ISO 7438: 1985, at. a relative speed of the plates of 30 mm/mm. The final force on the test piece shall be (7500 ± 100) N with bend radius of 0.
6.4 Test methods for shape characteristics
6.4.1 General
The test piece for the determination of the shape characteristics shall be either a sheet or a cut length, to ordered width arid length, or part of a strip, to ordered width, ciii to length and laid flat. Mea.surenient of lateral curvature or deviation from flatness shall be earned out with a suitable measunng device, such as a feeler gauge, dial gauge or scale.EN 988-1997 pdf download.

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