EN 1170-6-1997 pdf download.Precast concrete products — Tea. method for glass-fibre reinford
cement — Part 6: Detennination of the absorpt]on of water by IIIUIIV’ISIOIl aII(1 (leteflfllflatJOll of the (hy density.
This EN 1170-6 qwiiflec a ir4 iiwthixl ka
dcteniuiung 11w dl)’ dei1y and wr theioqi11ui uf a
Øvrn GRU
2 Symbok and abbreviation
2.1 Symbok
fll IIU (it A 1& p(’C after (1r1X4. ‘dry nu**, In gnuas.
rn ma”* of a te4 piece after thunenon far f days, wri rnrn, in aiuwc
V volume of a 1n pk’ce, In
7 water aIuq11trn by rnunrnaun. In prrrrnt.agi by rna’e
p di, (kIy, UI kgn.
22 Abbreviation
(1R( ;h-rn rvtntorrcd crmeru,
3 Apparatus
11w appanittt comj
– a srnfr, with a nwa44auing rwigr 0 kg to 2 kg.
wcunth So 0,1 g
– a ivntilnfrd d,uig ot’ii, adjiid to (I( ± 5) T;
– a flat txm,d, madi’ of muu(h. ra,iály ekaiwd
niazeflal. appnjxlmately (500 X SO0) nun:
– a nk, wrur.de to 0,5 mm.
— a cnllá;wi ‘ruratr to 0,1 mm:
a flat ?,ottcmu1 laNk, fl&d with watrr nuiAnuüned
() ± 2) ‘C. fl)XIflUdrI3( (:fl X 200 X 100) mm.
cquiprd with a kvwc allowing dir Aunüig or 11w unpks In (‘on((mIUty with 4.2, for rziunpk.
fl(Jn-comJ4tilbk mck’4ypr ‘C4idJ’ a% ?4110W11 in ligun.
4.1 Teat piccc.i
On dir flat bow1, maRt’ a ainqile panel with no fac2ng layer (Le. made enlirety of 61W) taider the anir condkkJ(w the ai1il pmducUon ii rrpre’n Jnty or prendx.
After 24 h. demuuld and aton’ the wik’ pawn until (he r of 6 day!k under the nw cunlhtkais na (or (he wtual prudtwtkin i nndn(.
(‘ut 01* by at (r10 ) mm (ruin the edgc, (our (rat plrce”i frugii the ;*itkw ilkzatr.dad in figure 2. P4 lit. Thr tiii prce mai m hr cia aid ai dir i at 4hHWiUI4ItI
[)nwturns of 11w I44 *‘C
– wdtk (i2)flp
-lenh: (±2)min
When (1w low tt1 pkiecs have bn agcd (or 8 daysb 4uw them in the tc4 rw)rn d a temperatun of (‘.) ±3) ‘C for appruxunai.4 24 h * that they 1mw been agrd kw 7 days at the tIme of 11w h4a.
42 flt method
Meast the dUIWIAIJIis of eadi sample hi 11w nearr4
iiuliurnlrr and caleuWe the volunw, expnrd in crn,
1L CflCh sample.
SI lYE Ii bi biii phlr b frtrnwiw (hr IImr h (1w h)1nw wrqlnn nwthizt
flare the four te4 p6rees Ui the flat bottomed tank filled ith wahr at (D±2)°C. 11w test pwce an held in plarc VIlifrally by 11W c’oenha and risting (*1 ()fle of their 1rnØhww edges. The dr1i of euvenng by water diall be (2O) mm
The dirm of munctin, (hprndmg on the GRC cun)uNjcka. hidI be:
-24 h for mptki with no polymer ontetd
-7 day with all miennedlate nwirrmctit at 24 h. After ninod from tIw water uid before weAglUng. wipe 11w Wat pEcni with a lamp cloth to remove any ur(w.’ wider.
4a4gh the• tei pirce
Ui the rnam after nuiielm for 24 h. in gtint’c PN Ui the nue afler mlii rou hir 7 days. m gralivi.
Then pliwe 11w te4 peeves Ui the vrnflLihd drymg (WCI1 until they rracti constant niai “d’, I.e. when the hfferenee between two we)gháng resailta 24 h apaal Ui Ie.4 than 0,1
5 Ezpresion of resuItN
51 Water absorption by Immersion
The Waler ilisurp11on by InUIWINILJfl, 7, CX***d aa a wn’rntage by na, Ui drteruuiwd by the equation:
Fur folmukdion.s with polymer eoicn( 7 Ui calculated at 24 h with na. and y 7 days with
5.2 Dry deniilty
‘flw dry (kosity p,j. expriaird In kg’n?, is delrniauwd by the following equatloit
flL4 x 101
6 Interpreting the test
The resutl.s IelwrwI on 11w (Ilu ,.n,frs of (1w (R( eoiixiibun granuk*ne1zy of the sand. polymer content. tic..) am) Its wurknianshlp (eompal)on).
7 Test report sheet
The (ei4 report sheil shill coinpnr the following infomuatlon.
the date at test.EN 1170-6-1997 pdf download.
EN 1170-6-1997 pdf download
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