EN 977-1997 pdf download.Underground tanks of glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) —Method for one side exposure to fluids.
2 Principle
The fluter surftire of test speimwns taken (rum the tank wall as exposed at a specified temperature for a given period of tinw to the liquid and vapour phase of a lest liquid.
3 Apparatus
Modifications In the constnietlon of the aan4tus given hereafter an’ alkiwed, pnwided that the e,seraee of the test is not aiTeeted.
The appanulLs (see figure 1) osasts of a glass cglinder with a diameter of 140 mm to triO mm and a height of Iron.
The cylinder (OlltinflS two eufliteetiolts at an angie of 45’, one for a badcfloweook!r (1) and one (or the adjustiiient of a thenuoiut’ter (‘2).
Further pails an’ the joint for the bat*flowciaL”r and the bockjkntmoler itselL These pans are nut given m tigure I since they an’ readily available items.
The gL palt% of the apparatus shall be made of glass resistant to tern perutun’ changes.
Two test specimens serve as top and bottom qi the glass cylinder
They are sealed against the polished rants of the cylinder with rings. e.g. P7Th.
The sealing Is adapted to the shape of the saiiipk’. The test speein tens are elaniped to the glas.s cylinder between two flanges by means of six threaded nuLs with butlemfly nuts.
It is recommended to apply a spacer ring between each prtun’ flange and the test specinien. (These sat’er rings are fbi cittailed In figure 1).
The glass c3imder Is heated (runt the oulside th an automatic contmlin’l heating system. The temperature Is measured in the test liquiiL The heating system shall be capable of keeping the Lenipenature of the test liquid to within I K of the specified temperature.
4 Thit parameters
The lest 1)arwwiern (temlwrature, exjxasun Limit IU1(l test liquid eoin,sksation) an given by the relevant I)1111(’t Stafl(Llnl.
5 lest specimens
fliki three ftj)rvscIItatiVe hexagond lest swtinwns from the tank wall.
Reseiw one of the lest specimens for the dtennlnaflon of the Initial vahw(s) of the chanwteiisllc(s) dclhwd by the relevant product standard, the other two for exposure to the liquid and vapour phase of (he test liquid.
Mark the longitudinal and cwcumferential direction of the cylindrical part on the outude of the test specimen. In ease of a sandwich construction the test spednwsvi are taken ñini the rnner GRP laminate.
N( TF If a different exiwiwe appas*im is izied, bffrnnt tnnii and t11nwninns of tent w nwrL may be neceaJy
6 Procedure
6.1 (‘lamp two test speeknetvt in 11w apparatns with
11w Inner layer to the i4de. When 1wcesauy, adapt the
hn to 11W stuipe of the test qwdmere&
6.2 Fill half of the gla’is cylinder with the test liqtwl (approxImately 12(N) ml in 11w case of the figure 1 cylinder).
6.3 liwrease gradually the teniperaftu’e of the liquid to the specified temperintre.
Nkwitam that (elnperalure to witlun 1 K over the eoml)k’tc exposure period.
6.4 During the test, replace the Ust liquid as required by tlit’ relevant Pm(ILl11 Standard.
6.5 Al the end of the exjxacun’ time cool the test liquid down to (l ±5) C anti renNivi (1w liquid from the cylindet
6.6 Take 11w two lest specimens out of the qanitns and rinse them with distilled watet Remove non-Water soluble liquids with a solvent that does nut affect the t&’st .specinwn (e.g. white spirit).
N4JTE Shwtumfral ck”anin or 11w t qwcinwns i not showed, g*s’cn 11w risk of dnniaging 11w surface.
6.7 Diy 11w test specunens in air at a temperature of
7 Test report
The test report shall at least üidieate:
a) a refeniwv to this European Standanl;
b) the full i(lcIItIficatjon of 11w tank from whih 11w
lest spedniens an taken:
– name of producer and production pbce:
– build Lip of the matcñal, name and type of the
– tank marking, including pmdiicnon code:
— diinensaoiis of the test saIIIl)k
c) any deviation from the c pure apparatus as specified in this European Standani:
d) the test IUah1H1t9N (test teniperalurc, expisun time, drying time and lest liquid coiiipisitkin);
c) indivkhial values and nwan vakies of the ehanulerlstw(s) delenuined on expusid and utwxputied test ciniens, as well as the change of the mean value in percentage:
I) any (hwatbon fnmi the test procedure .qwdfied In this stajl(bnl
g) any details, which have not been pruided for by this test pnsshire, and any aridenial emiuw4ancts which might have affected the resutt.s;
h) the (We(s) of tcstIng.EN 977-1997 pdf download.
EN 977-1997 pdf download
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