EN 60335-1-2002 pdf download.Household and similar electrical appllances Safety Part l : General requirements.
5 General conditions for the tests
Unless otherwise specified, the tests are carried out in accordance with this clause.
5.1 Tests according to this standard are type tests.
NOTE Routine tests ar. dscnbed in annx A.
5.2 The tests are carried out on a single appliance that shelf withstand all the relevant tests. However, the tests of clauses 20, 22 (except 22.11 and 22.18) to 26, 28, 30 and 31 may be carried out on separate appliances, The test of 22.3 Is carried o& on a new aØarwe.
NOTE I Additional wnpl.s may be required it the appliance has to be tested under ditferenl conditions, for .cample Wit can be supplied with different voltages
If an intentionaly weak part becoms open circuit during the tests of clause 19, an additional apphance may be neded.
The testIng of ccmporisnts may require 11* submissIon of additional samples of these components
If the test of ennex C has to be caviled Out. iIx nmpIes 01 the motor are needed
It the tests of annex G are carned out, tour additional transformers are needed
It the tests of annex H are cerried out. thra switches or three additional epplances are needed
NOTE 2 The cumulative stru resulting from suCcessive t•sts on electronic ckcilta le to be avoided II may be n.c.ss.ry to replac, components or to use additional samples Th. number of additional sample, should be kept to a minimum by an evskmtion of the relevant electronic cIrults.
NOTE 3 it an .pptearice has to be desmntI.d In order to carry out e teat, care is to be taken to ensure (hat It Is reassomblod as oflglnaly supplied. In case of doubt, subsequent tests may be carried out on a saparat. sample.
5.3 The tests are carried out in the order of the clauses. However, the test of 22.11 on the appliance at room temperature Is carried out before the tests of clause 8. The tests of ctause 14 and 22.24 are corned out after the tests of clause 29.
lilt Is evident from the construction of the appliance that a particular test Is not applicable, the test is riot carried out.
5.4 When testing appliances that are also supplied by other energies such as gas, the influence of their consumption has to be taken Into account.
5.5 The tests are carried out with the appliance or any movable part of it placed in the most unfavourable position that may occur in normal use.
5.6 Appliances provided with controls or switching devices are tested with these controls or devices adjusted to their most unfavourable setting, lithe setting can be altered by th. user.
NOTF I It the adjusting means of the cntroI Is accessible without the aid of a toot, this suticleuse applies utiether the sttlng can be altered by hand or with the aid of a toot. If the ad)usting means Is not accessible without the aId of. tool and it the setting is not intended to be altered by the user, this subclause does not apply.
NOTE 2 Adequate sealing Ii regarded as preventing alteration of the setting by the user.
If the temperature attained by any part is limited by a temperature sensitive device or Is influenced by the temperature at which a change of state occurs, for example when water boils, the ambient temperature is maintained at 23 C ± 2 C in case of doubt.
5.8.1 Appliances for a.c. only are tested with a.c. at rated frequency, and those for a.c. and d.c. are tested at the more unfavoureble supply.
Appliances for ac. that are not marked with rated frequency or are marked with a frequency range of 50 Hz to 60 Hz are tested with either 50 Hz or 60 Hz, whichever is the more unavourab1e.
5.8.2 Appliances having more than one rated voltag, are tested on the basis of the most unfavourable voltage
For motor-operated appliances, and Combined appliances, marked with a rated voltag. rang., when it is specified that the supply voltage is equal to the rated voltage multiplied by a (actor, the appliance s supplied at
— the upper limit of the rated voltag, range multiphed by this factor, if greater than 1;
— the lower Imit of the rated voltag, range multiplied by this factor, If smaller than 1.
When a factor is not specified, the supply voltage Is the most unfavourab?e within the rated voltage range.
NOTE I II heathig applianc. hsa rat•d voltage rang., the uppe ivrnt of the voltage rang. wI usually be the most unfavoureble voltage wtthn the rang.
NOTE 2 For rnotor-op•rat•d appliances, combined appliances and appliances havng more than one rat•d voltage or rated voltage rang., It may be n.c.ssary to mstce some ol the tests at the minimum, the mean and the maximum values 01 lh ret•d voltag. or the rated voltag. rang• in order to establIsh th. most unlavourabi. voltag.
5.8.3 For heating appliances, and combined appliances, marked with a rated power Input range, when It is specified that the power Input Is equal to the rated power Input multiplied by a factor, the appliance is operated at
— the upper limIt of the rated power Input range mLiitiplled by this factor. If greater than 1:
— the lower limit of the rated power Input range multiplied by this factor, if smaller than 1. When a factor is not specified, the power Input Is the most unfavaurable within the rated power Input rang..
5.8.4 For appliances marked with a rated voltage range and rated power Input corresponding to the mean of the rated voltage range, when it is specified that the power input is equal to rated power In put multiplied by a factor, the appliance is operated at
— the calculated power input corresponding to the upper limit of the rated voltage range multiplied by this factor. If greater than 1:EN 60335-1-2002 pdf download.
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