EN 50434-2014 pdf download

07-09-2021 comment

EN 50434-2014 pdf download.Safety of household and similar appliances – Particular requirements for mains operated shredders and chippers.
7.12 Replacement:
An Instruction manual shall be supplied with the machine, giving operating, servicing, maintenance and safety instructions that comply as appropriate with EN ISO 12100:2010, Clause 4. The words ‘Original instructions’ shall appear on the language version(s) verified by the manufacturer or his authorised representative. Where no ‘Original instructions’ exist in the official language(s) of the country where the machine is to be used, a translation into that/those language(s) shall be provided by the manufacturer or his authoilsed representative or by the person bringing the machine into the language area in question. The translations shall bear the words ‘Translation of the original instructions’, and they shall be accompanied by a copy of the ‘Original instructions’.
This instruction manual shall include:
a) a repeat of those warnings required to be marked on the machine together with further explanation, where appropriate. Where safety signs are used in the marking on the machine, their function shall be explained;
b) a warning to never allow children, persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge or people unfamiliar with these instructions to use the machine, local regulations may restrict the age of the operator;
C) a warning to never operate the machine while people, especially children, or pets are nearby;
d) a general description of the machine, the intended use, instructions for the proper use of the machine including advice on what the machine should be used for, how to use it for the intended purpose(s) and any reasonably foreseeable misuse thereof;
e) warnings concerning ways – that experience has shown might occur – in which the machinery shall not be used;
f) instructions for the proper assembly and disassembly of the machine for use, if the machine is not supplied in a completely assembled form;
g) instructions for proper adjustment and any necessary user maintenance of the machine, including timescales and a warning of the danger of moving hazardous parts;
h) instructions for the recommended replacement or repair of, or service attention to critical components. Where parts are consumable, the spare part shall be clearly identified, e.g. by the use of a part number or other means;
i) instructions on the operation of all controls;
j) information how to start the machine safely:
k) instructions for the operating position and the correct and safe operation of the machine such as moving, safe positioning, handling, clearing blockages and keeping the discharge chute clear of processed material for use, preparation, maintenance and storage of the machine;
l) an advice to not overreach and to keep the balance at all times, to always be sure of the footing on slopes and to walk, never run;
m) a warning not to touch moving hazardous parts before the machine is disconnected from the mains and the moving hazardous parts have come to a complete stop;
n) an advice on the use, length and type of extension cords to be used (not lighter than required by Clause 25,7);
o) if a collecting facility is provided with the machine, instructions for when and how to attach and detach the collection device to and from the machine;
p) information about the residual risks that remain despite the inherent safe design measures, safeguarding and complementary protective measures adopted:
q) instructions to always wear substantial footwear and long trousers while operating the machine:
r) instructions to disconnect the supply (e.g. remove the plug from the mains or remove the disabling device)
• whenever the machine is left by the user;
– before clearing a blockage:
– before checking, cleaning or working on the machine:
– after striking a foreign object to inspect the machine for damage;
– If the machine starts to vibrate abnormally, for immediately check;
s) instructions when, where and how to inspect the machine, the supply and extension cord for signs of damage or ageing and, if permitted, how to make repairs;
t) a warning never to operate the machine with defective guards or shields, or without safety devices, or if the cord is damaged or worn;
u) an advice not to connect a damaged cord to the supply or touch a damaged cord before it is disconnected from the supply for the reason that damaged cords can lead to contact with live parts;
v) an advice to keep extension cords away from moving hazardous parts to avoid damages to the cords which can lead to contact with live parts:
w) the operating method to be followed in the event of accident or breakdown;
x) instructions how to disconnect the machine from the mains, if the cord becomes damaged or entangled during use;
y) recommendations
• to connect the machine only to a supply circuit protected by a residual current device (RCD) with a tripping current of not more than 30 mA.
– to avoid using the machine in bad weather conditions especially when there is a risk of lightning:
z) an explanation of the term (P40) if applicable;
aa) information about airborne noise emissions of the machine according to Annex FF. this includes:
– the A- weighted emission sound pressure level emitted by the machinery, where this exceeds 70 dB(A), where this level does not exceed 70 dB(A), this fact shall be indicated.EN 50434-2014 pdf download.

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