EN 840-2-2020 pdf download

07-07-2021 comment

EN 840-2-2020 pdf download.Mobile waste and recycling containers – Part 2: Containers with 4 wheels with a capacity up to 1 300 1 with flat lid(s), for trunnion and/or comb lifting devices – Dimensions and design.
mobile waste and recycling container
appropriately designed container fitted with wheels intended to temporarily store waste
lifting device
structure which picks-up, tilts and empties containers
comb lifting device
lifting device in which the picking-up system consists ot a row ot teeth and a locking system to retain the container during emptying
trunnion lifting device
lifting device in which the picking-up system consists of a pair of arms with automatic locking mechanism to fit the trunnion to retain the container during emptying
total space inside the container when the lid is closed
Note ito entry: See Table 1.
nominal volume capacity volume stated by the manufacturer
Note 1 to entry: See Table 1 without tolerances.
Note 2 to entry: The English term capacity and the French term capacité’ are translated in the German version by the term Nennvolumen’.
nominal mass
mass, which is calculated as given in Clause 6
total permissible mass
mass of the container plus the nominal mass
functional and safety dimension
essential dimensions which ensure the functionality and Interchangeability of the container with the compatible lifting device and which are necessary for the operator’s safety and health
4 Volumes
This part of EN 840 identifies the two classes of containers:
— Class I – small size (nominal volume up to 1 000 I);
— Class II – large size (nominal volume between 1 000 I and 1 300 I).
Within the two above-mentioned classes of containers the following volumes are identified: 5001, 660 I. 770 I, 1 0001. 1100 I and 1 200 I. Nominal volumes different from those referenced can be used by agreement between user and manufacturer. The tolerance of the volumes shall be ± 5 % maximum measured according to EN 840-5.
5 Dimensions and design
5.1 The design of the containers need not correspond to the drawings given in Figure 1. The functional dimensions given in Table I shall be respected. Recommendations for manufacturers of lifting devices are given in EN 1501-5.
5.2 The container shall be constructed so that when it is unloaded or loaded with a nominal load (see Clause 6), it fits on an approved compatible lifting device. It shall be automatically locked safely into the lifting device during the lifting operation. If the container is equipped with a comb receiver, it shall correspond to Figure 2 (Form A).
5.3 The lid(s) shall cover the opening of the container completely. It/they shall be opened easily by itself/themselves during the emptying cycle. It/They shall be made with at least two fixing points and have at least one means of opening.
5.4 Handles fitted in front of the trunnion shall have a measurement over the handles of 10 mm less than the actual measurement in Table 1, dimension N°33. The handles and their location shall also be designed so that they do not harm the operator.
5.5 If the container has ribs in the frontal receiver they shall meet the requirements of Figures 2 and
5.6 The container shall have [our swivel castors. Each swivel castor shall be capable of withstanding
1/3 of the total permissible mass. Each castor shall meet the requirements of EN 840-5. The container
shall have facilities for mounting the castor platine according to at least one of the configurations as
shown in Figure 5.
5.7 All the surfaces of the container including design features shall be smooth and free of any foreign bodies or flaws.
5.8 The container should have a drain plug.
5.9 When direction locks are fitted they shall be fixed on at least two castors.
5.10 The container should be fitted with two braked wheels to requirements of EN 840-5. In case of centralized braking and locking system the brake pedal and the lock shall be fixed on a lateral side of the container. The centralized locking shall be able to be unlocked with a standard triangular key as shown in Figure 6. The effectiveness of the centralized braking system shall conform to EN 840-5.
6 Nominal mass
The container shall be constructed strongly enough to carry a mass of 0,4 kg/dm3 x nominal volume. Containers with a nominal volume of more than 1 100 I shall he constructed strongly enough to carry a load of 440 kg.
7 Safety and health requirements
The container shall meet the safety and health requirements according to EN 840-6.
8 Testing
The container shall fulfil the performance requirements and the tests of EN 840-5.EN 840-2-2020 pdf download.

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