1.1.1 BS 5500-1997 specifies requirements for the design, construction, inspection, testing and verification of compliance of unfired fusion welded Iresslire vessels. The materials of construction are specified in section 2. The term ‘pressure vessel’ as used in this standard includes branches up to the point of connection to the connecting piping by bolting, screwing or welding, and supports, brackets or other attachments directly welded to the pressure containing shell. The term ‘unfired’ excludes vessels that are subject to direct generated heat or flame impingement from a fired process. It does not exclude vessels subject to electrical heating or heated process streams.
11.2 In addition to the defrnitive requirements this standard also requires the items detailed in 1.5 to be documented. For compliance with this standard, both the definitive requirements and the documented items have to be satisfied.
1.1.3 BS 5500-1997 applies only to pressure vessels manufactured under the survey of a competent engineering Inspecting Authority or Organization. The intent of this requirement is regarded as satisfied where inspection is carried out by competent personnel of a separate engineering inspection department maintained by the purchaser of the vessel. An inspection department maintained by the manufacturer does not, satisfy this requirement. except:
a) that specific responsibilities may be delegated at the discretion of the Inspecting Authority or Organization; or
b) in the case of vessels for the manufacturer’s own use and not for resale.
This standard applies only to vessels made by manufacturers who can satisfy the Inspecting Authority or organization that they are competent arid suitably equipped to fulfil the appropriate requirements of this standard.
The requirements for testing and inspecting serially manufactured pressure vessels are given in annex V In all other respects the appropriate requirements in the specification apply.
1.2 Interpretation
If any ambiguity be found or doubt as to the
meaning or effect of any part of this standard or as to whether anything ought to be done or omitted to be done in order that this standard should be complied with in ful, the question shall be referred to the
Pressure Vessels Technical Committee (PVE/1)of the British Standards Institution, whose interpretation of the requirements of this standard upon the matter at issue shall be given free of charge and shall be final and conclusive. Parties adopting this standard for the purposes of any contract shall be deemed to adopt this provision unless they expressly exclude it or else import an arbitration provision in terms extending to interpretation of this standard. However, this provision is limited to questions of interpretation and does not confer upon the committee any power, duty or authority to adjudicate upon the contractual rights or duties of any person under a contract except in so far as they may necessarily be affected by the interpretation arrived at by the committee.BS 5500-1997 pdf download.
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