IEEE 802.15.4X-2019 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks – Amendment 7: Defining Enhancements to the Smart Utility Network (SUN) Physical Layers (PHYs) Supporting up to 2.4 Mb/s Data Rates.
IEEE 802.15.4X-2019 defines the physical layer (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) sublayer specifications for low-data-rate wireless connectivity with fixed, portable, and moving devices with no battery or very limited battery consumption requirements. In addition, the standard provides modes that allow for precision ranging. PHYs are defined for devices operating various license-free bands in a variety of geographic regions.
Keywords: amendment, IEEE 802.154TM, IEEE 802.15.4x T, low data rate, low power, wireless personal area network, WPAN.
This amendment defines enhancements to the IEEE 802.15. 4 smart utility network (SUN) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM)physical layers(PHYs)that enable support for data rates up to 2. 4 Mb/s. This amendment also defines additional channel plans, as needed, to support emerging applications.
Building upon the numerous successful deployments of the IEEE 802.15.4 SUN PHY technology in field area networking(FAN)and the rapid growth in applications, such as the Intemet of Things(loT), Smart Grid, Smart Cities, and others, these SUN PHY enhancements are needed to support higher data rates along with enhancements for longer range utilizing existing hardware deployments based upon the IEEE 802.15 SUN PHYs. As an example, these enhancements enable broader electric system distribution automation and reduce the amount of equipment needed for deployment in Smart Grid systems. This example is but one of many application areas where FAN enhancements can have a substantial beneficial impact.
IEEE 802.15.4X-2019 pdf download
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