ISO 23081-1:2017 pdf free download.Information and documentation — Records management processes — Metadata for records — Part 1: Principles.
ISO 23081-1:2017 covers the principles that underpin and govern records management metadata. These principles are applicable to:
– records and their metadata;
– all processes that affect them;
– any system in which they reside;
– any organization that is responsible for their management.
ISO 23081 sets a framework for creating, managing and using records management metadata and explains the principles that govern them.
This document gives guidelines for understanding. implementing and using metadata within the framework of ISO 15489. It addresses the relevance of records management metadata in business processes and the different roles and types of metadata that support business and records management processes. It also sets a framework for managing those metadata.
NOTE: In this part of 1SO 23081, business and business activity are used as broad terms, not restricted to commercial activity, but including public administration, non-profit and other activities.
It does not define a mandatory set of records management metadata to be implemented, since these metadata will differ in detail according to organizational or specific requirements for jurisdiction.However, it assesses the main existing metadata sets in line with the requirements of ISO 15489.
ISO 23081-2 and IS0 23081-3 are more explanatory and provide practical guidance on implementation issues and how to assess records management metadata sets against the principles in this document.
Metadata ensure authenticity, reliability, usability and integrity over time and enable the management and understanding of information objects, whether these are physical, analogue or digital. However, metadata also should be managed.
ISO 23081-1:2017 pdf download
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