ASTM E3097-23 pdf free download – Standard Test Method For Uniaxial Constant Force Thermal Cycling Of Shape Memory Alloys

09-13-2024 comment

ASTM E3097-23 pdf free download – Standard Test Method For Uniaxial Constant Force Thermal Cycling Of Shape Memory Alloys.
This test method establishes procedures for subjecting shape memory alloy (SMA) materials and components to thermomechanical cycling under a constant force, which is crucial for characterizing their transformation properties, including transformation temperatures, actuation strain, and residual strain. The data obtained from this testing process is essential for selecting SMA materials, ensuring quality control, determining design allowable parameters, and facilitating actuator design. It is important to note that the standard only recognizes SI units, with no other units of measurement being included.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 Constant force thermal cycling tests determine the effect of stress on the transformation temperatures, recovered strain and residual strain of a shape memory alloy. The tests may be for one thermal cycle. A standard test method for force controlled repeated thermal cycling of shape memory alloys is currently under development.
5.2 Measurement of the specimen’s thermomechanical behavior closely parallels many shape memory applications and provides a result that is applicable to the function of the material.
5.3 This test method may be used for, but is not limited to,wire, round tube, or strip samples. Thus it is able to provide an assessment of the product in its semi-finished form.
5.4 This test method provides a simple method for determining transformation temperatures by heating and cooling specimens through their full thermal transformation under force.
5.5 This test method can be used on trained and processed material in a semi-finished form to measure Two Way Shape Memory Effect by comparing the strain in the austenite state and martensite states with no minimal applied stress. The force is set to a minimum value not to exceed a corresponding stress
of 7 MPa (in accordance Test Method F2516).
5.6 This test method is useful for quality control, specification acceptance, and research.
5.7 Transformation temperatures derived from this test method may not agree with those obtained by other test
methods due to the effects of strain and stress on the transformation.

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