ASTM E3113-23 pdf free download – Standard Specification For Ballistic-Resistant Vehicle Door Panels Used By Public Safety Agencies

09-13-2024 comment

ASTM E3113-23 pdf free download – Standard Specification For Ballistic-Resistant Vehicle Door Panels Used By Public Safety Agencies.
The present document outlines the criteria for ballistically resistant panels intended for installation in or onto the doors of public safety vehicles, ensuring protection against the complete penetration by projectiles from small arms. Furthermore, it offers supplementary tests under defined conditions that enable assessment beyond the basic requirements stipulated in the specification. Affirmations of compliance with this specification do not encompass any optional tests unless such tests are performed and their outcomes are documented in the test results. It is mandatory for this specification to include the ballistics testing of vehicle door panels, whether they are mounted in a testing rig or affixed to the vehicle door for which they are intended.
6. Performance Requirements
6.1 There shall be no visible separation or delamination of the test item upon the completion of each conditioning procedure.
6.2 There shall be no complete penetration of any test item when tested in accordance with this specification.
7. Test Item Conditioning
7.1 The conditioning requirements of this section are not applicable for the optional tests of Appendix XI.
7.2 Test items shall be stored at controlled ambient conditions for at least 24 h prior to the start of the required
7.3 Each test item shall be subjected sequentially to the conditioning steps below.
7.3.1 Subject the test item to one cycle of Temperature Conditioning as specified in Test Method E3112- 17, subsec-
tion 9.3.
7.3.2 Subject the test item to conditioning by submersion in plain water as specified in Test Method E3112 – 17, subsection
7.4 Ballistic testing of each test item shall be completed within two hours of the completion of the last conditioning procedure.

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