ISO/ASTM 52936-1:2023 pdf free download – Additive Manufacturing Of Polymers – Qualification Principles – Part 1: General Principles And Preparation Of Test Specimens For PBF-LB

09-10-2024 comment

ISO/ASTM 52936-1:2023 pdf free download – Additive Manufacturing Of Polymers – Qualification Principles – Part 1: General Principles And Preparation Of Test Specimens For PBF-LB.
Many factors in an additive manufacturing test specimen-preparation process can influence theproperties of the test specimens prepared and hence the measured values obtained when the testspecimens are used in a test method. The mechanical properties of such test specimens are in factstrongly dependent on the conditions of the process used to prepare the test specimens. Exactdefinition of each of the main parameters of the process is a basic requirement for reproducibleoperating conditions.
lt is important in defining test specimen-preparation conditions to consider any influence theconditions could have on the properties to be determined. Test specimens prepared by additivemanufacturing techniques can show differences in molecular morphology (as with crystalline andsemicrystalline polymers), differences in powder morphology (after undergoing a sintering process,for instance), differences in thermal history and differences in thickness of the layers,test specimenorientation or test specimen location, used to prepare the specimen.Only if each of these is controlledcan differences in the values of the properties measured be avoided.
This document ISO/ASTM 52936-1:2023 specifies the general principles to be followed when test specimens of thermoplastic materials are prepared by laser-based powder bed fusion (PBF-LB/P), which is commonly known as laser sintering. The (PBF-LB/P) process is used to prepare test specimens layer upon layer in which thermal energy selectively fuses regions of a powder bed.
This document ISO/ASTM 52936-1:2023 provides a basis for establishing reproducible and reportable sintering conditions. Its purpose is to promote uniformity in describing the main process parameters, build orientation of the sintering process and also to establish uniform practice in reporting sintering conditions.

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