Note: The primary purpose of AWS is to serve and benefit its members. To this end, AWS provides a forum for the
exchange, consideration, and discussion of ideas and proposals that are relevant to the welding industry and the
consensus of which forms the basis for these standards. By providing such a forum, AWS does not assume any duties to
which a user of these standards may be required to adhere. By publishing this standard, the American Welding Society
does not insure anyone using the information it contains against any liability arising from that use. Publication of a
standard by the American Welding Society does not carry with it any right to make, use, or sell any patented items. Users
of the information in this standard should make an independent, substantiating investigation of the validity of that
information for their particular use and the patent status of any item referred to herein.
With regard to technical inquiries made concerning AWS standards, oral opinions on AWS standards may be rendered.
However, such opinions represent only the personal opinions of the particular individuals giving them. These individu-
als do not speak on behalf of AWS, nor do these oral opinions constitute official or unofficial opinions or interpretations
of AWS. In addition, oral opinions are informal and should not be used as a substitute for an official interpretation.
ANSI AWS A5.20-1995 pdf download
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