In 2001, AGMA introduced the first of two documents ANSI/AGMA 2015–1 –A01, Accuracy Classification
System — Tangential Measurements for Cylindrical Gears followed in 2006 by the release of ANSI/AGMA
2015–2–A06, Accuracy Classification System — Radial System for Cylindrical Gears. Both of these docu-
ments, when combined, officiallyreplacethestill widelyused standard, AGMA2000–A88, GearClassification
and Inspection Handbook.
Although ANSI/AGMA 2015–2–A06 was adopted by the general membership, it is likely that most members
even to this day do not fully understand how this document differs from AGMA 2000–A88 in its application to
the double flank measurement of a gear. In the author’s viewpoint, some of the improvements that
ANSI/AGMA2015–2–A06 was hoping to achieve most likely erodes its actual benefit resulting in moreuncer-
tainty in terms of product quality than what existed previously. It is recommended that the ANSI/AGMA
2015–2–A06 be revised to reflect the concerns expressed in this document.
AGMA 11FTM03-2011 pdf download
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