Most of the models proposed to predict the dynamic behavior of gears do not take into account the blank flexibility andits
natural modes of vibration. In those models, a gears pair is reduced essntally to two rigid disks coupled by flexible
teeth, which we call “Rigid Disks – Flexible Teeth” models (RD FT). Contacting teeth pairs are replaced by a spring
attached to the disks and acting in the normal direction at the contact points. The mesh stiffness, deduced from the
stiffness value of each contacting tooth, depends on the position of the contact point and the number of teeth pairs in
contact. Regardless of the intinsic principle of the method and the boundary conditions applied, the displacement of the
loaded point is measured relative toareference point. The compliance of the tooth is largely affectedby the choice of the
reference point and so is the prediction of the dynamic behavior of the gearset.
AGMA 94FTM8-1994 pdf download
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