Advanced Network Simulations Simplified Practical guide for wired, Wi-Fi (802.11nacax), and LTE networks using ns-3 pdf download

11-27-2023 comment

Vanlin Sathya (IEEE member)received a PhD in computer science and engineering from the IndianInstitute of Technology (IIT)Hyderabad,India,in 2016.He currently works with CTO Office at CleonaInc.,USA.Prior to this,he was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Chicago,USA,where heworked on the issues faced in the 5G real-time coexistence test-bed when LTE-unlicensed and Wi-Fitry to coexist on the same channel.His research interests include interference management,handoverin heterogeneous LTE networks,device-to-device(D2D)communication in cellular networks,cloudbase station and phantom cell(LTE-B),and LTE in unlicensed and private 5G(CBRS)。
Deepanshu Khanna is a 29-year-old information security and cybercrime consultant and a pioneer inhis country.The young and dynamic personality of Deepanshu has not only assisted him in handlinginformation security and cybercrimes but also in creating awareness about these things.He’s a hackerappreciated by the Indian government,including the Ministry of Home Affairs and Defence,policedepartments,and many other institutes,universities,globally renowned IT firms,magazines,andnewspapers.He started his career by presenting a popular hack of GRUB at HATCon.He also conductedpopular research in the fields of intruder detection software(IDS)and Advanced Intrusion DetectionEnvironment(AIDE)and demonstrated MD5 collisions and buffer overflows,among other things.His work has been published in various magazines such as pentestmag,Hakin9,e-Forensics,SDJournal,and hacker5.He has been invited as a guest speaker to public conferences such as DEF CON,ToorCon,OWASP,HATCon,HIhackz,and many other universities and institutes.
Advanced Network Simulations Simplified Practical guide for wired, Wi-Fi (802.11nacax), and LTE networks using ns-3 pdf download

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