ANSI T1.639a-2001 pdf download Supplement to Calling Name ldentification Restriction
b) Provide a single activation code that can be used by the caller to concurrently invoke both CLIR and CNIR;
c) For calls originated on an ISDN access, apply the presentation indicator value that is received for the calling party number to both the calling party number and the calling name.
3. Add the fllowing subclause to clause (Norma/ operation at the originating switch): Signaling procedures for when CLIR and CNIR are linked When CLIR and CNIR are linked as described in, then the functional and stimulus signaling procedures of the CLIR supplementary service [see T1.625-1993 (R 1999)] shall be applied to concurrently invoke both CLIR and CNIR. The presentation status of the calling name shall follow the presentation status of the calling party number, as follows:
a) If the presentation status for CLIR is “presentation alowed” then the presentation status for CNIR shall be set to “public.”
b) If the presentation status for CLIR is “presentation restricted” then the presentation status for CNIR shall be set to “private.”
4. Replace the middle paragraph of with the fllwing paragraph (Error handling for the functional signaling procedures): The network will reject a request to “modify network stored value,” “force name status private,” or “force name status public” if the user has not subscribed to the corresponding Calling Name Identification Restriction service. When the network rejects a “modify network stored value” request, it initiates call clearing and sends a return error component with the userNotSubscribed error value. When the network rejects a “force name status private” or “force name status public” request it initiates call clearing with cause #50,’ requested facility not subscribed.”
5. Add the following subclause to clause 6.3.3 (Error handling): Error handling for when CLIR and CNIR are linked When CLIR and CNIR are linked as described in, then the fllowing error procedures apply:
a) If a Facilty information element with modifyNamePrivacyStatus or callingName operation is received by the network, a return error component with the proceduralError value shall be sent to the user in a FACILITY message.
b) If a Feature activation information element coded as “feature identifier = force name status ‘public”, or coded as “feature identifier = force name status ‘private'”, or coded as “feature identifier = modify network stored value” is received by the network, the network shall reject the Feature activator request by sending a national specific cause value #53 “service operation violated” with diagnostic “long term denial” in an INFOrmation or STATUS message to the calling user. 6. Remove the following reference from Annex A (Bibliography): T1.625-1993, Telecommunications – Integrated services digital network (ISDN) – Calling line presentation and restriction supplementary services.
ANSI T1.639a-2001 pdf download
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