IEEE 125-2007 pdf download

01-13-2023 comment

IEEE 125-2007 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Preparation of Equipment Specifications for Speed-Governing of Hydraulic Turbines Intended to Drive Electric Generators
For the purposes of this recommended practice, the following terms and definitions apply. The glossary inAnnex B and The Authoritative Dictionary of lEEE Standards (B17),“ should be referenced for terms notdefined in this clause.
3.1 control actuator limit: A maximum limit within the governor system which prevents the turbine-control actuator from opening beyond the position for which the device is set. May be operator-adjustable.
3.2 control actuator velocity limiter: A device that functions to limit the control actuator velocity in eitherthe opening, closing, or both directions, exclusive of the operation of the slow closure device. See also.slow closure device.
3.3 executable code: The software code that resides in the digital controller and executes the controlsequence/strategy in real time.
3.4 governor controller: A device or system that compares the turbine speed, along with any applicableintermediate feedbacks, to a reference set point and processes the resultant error signal to produce acommand signal to the turbine-control actuator.
3.5 governor conversion: Replacement of the governor controller components of an existing governor,typically with a digital controller and new speed and turbine-control actuator position-sensing equipment.
3.6 grid connected: The condition where the turbine-generator unit is electrically connected to a largepower grid consisting of many turbine-generator units operating in parallel.
3.7 hydraulic power unit (HPU): The pumps, means for driving them, sump tank, and associatedaccessory devices.
3.8 hydraulic pressure supply system (HPSS): The hydraulic power unit (HPU), pressure tank(s), valves,and piping connecting the various parts of the governing system.
3.9 main servomotor: The primary servomotor used to control the primary turbine-control device. Forreaction turbines, the main servomotor controls the wicket gates. For impulse turbines, the main servomotorcontrols the deflectors. For dual-regulated turbines, the main servomotor is typically larger and faster thanthe secondary servomotor.
3.10 programming computer: The computer that generates and stores the source code. It is also used todownload the executable code and operate the various software tools and utilities.
3.11 settings: The various user-adjustable parameters that reside in the digital controller such as timeconstants, gains, thresholds, etc. These are also known in the industry as tunables or constants.
3.12 slow closure device: A cushioning device that retards the closing velocity of the control actuator froma predetermmined control actuator position to zero control actuator position.
3.13 speed-sensing elements: The speed responsive elements that determine speed and influence the actiorof other elements of the governing system. Included are the means used to transmit a signal proportional tothe speed of the turbine to the governor.
3.14 speed error: The algebraic difference between the speed reference and the measured turbine speed.

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