IEEE 1609-2007 pdf download

01-13-2023 comment

IEEE 1609-2007 pdf download IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)—Networking Services
1. Overview
A WAVE system is a radio communications system intended to provide seamless, interoperable services totransportation. These services include those recognized by the U.S. National Intelligent TransportationSystems (ITS) Architecture and many others contemplated by the automotive and transportationinfrastructure industries. These services include vehicle-to-roadside as well as vehicle-to-vehiclecommunications. WAVE networking services provide data delivery services between WAVE devices andmanagement services to all layers. This is but one component in the overall WAVE architecture, whichincludes IEEE Std 1609.1TM-2006,IEEE Std 1609.2M-2006,IEEE Std 1609,4TM-2006, IEEE Std 802.11Mand IEEE P802.11pTm,
1.1 Scope
The scope of this standard is to define services, operating at the network and transport layers, in support ofwireless connectivity among vehicle-based devices, and between fixed roadside devices and vehicle-baseddevices using the 5.9 GHz DSRC/WAVE mode.
1.2 Purpose
WAVE networking services represents layers 3 and 4 of the OSI communications stack. The purpose of thisstandard is to provide addressing and routing services within a WAVE system, enabling multiple stacks ofupper layers above WAVE networking services and multiple lower layers beneath WAVE networkingervices. Upper layer support includes in-vehicle applications offering safety and convenience to their users.
1.3 Document organization
The document contains both normative and informative text. Clause l provides an overview of thedocument. Clause 2 and Clause 3 contain references, definitions, and abbreviations, respectively. Clause 4provides extensive explanatory information about the architecture and behavior of the overall WAVEsystem. including aspects beyond WAVE networking services. Clause 5 specifies the data plane elements of WAVE networking services, which carry user data through the system. Clause 6 specifies the managementplane functions that support system operations. Clause 7 defines the primitives used to communicatebetween WAVE networking services and other system entities. Annex A and Annex B contain a description.and formal definition, of the management information employed by WAVE networking services. Annex Cprovides an informative bibliography and definitions. Annex D provides a protocol implementationconformance statement (PICS) proforma.
1.4 Document conventions
Unless otherwise noted, conventions follow those in IEEE Std 802.11, including conventions for theordering of information within data items as defined in Clause 7.
Numbers are decimal unless otherwise noted, except IP addresses, which are hexadecimal per theconventions defined in RFC 2373.Numbers preceded by 0x indicate hexadecimal numbers, so that 0xFF isequivalent to“FF hexadecimal.”
Words in italics refer to data items that are defined as either a field in an interface primitive or as an internaldata item.
Descriptive, informative information is generally found at the beginning of a clause or subclause, withnormative text following. Figures are used for illustration and are informative, unless otherwise noted.
1.5 System overview
The system described herein supports high-rate, low latency communications between WAVE devicesGeneric IPy6 traffic is supported (not IPv4), as well as a specialized short message service. A controlchannel provides a common channel for signaling. IP application data is restricted to service channels; shortmessage application data may be sent on either type of channel. Applications benefiting from the WAVEcommunications can reside on the WAVE devices, or reside on generic devices located on other networksconnected to these devices. A more complete description of a WAVE system is provided in Clause 4.

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